Updated pic. Need help determining breed...

Here are some updated photos... The larger chick is the first one I posted a picture of, and the smaller one, use to look just like this other guy. Think they're a roo and hen? What breed? Thanks for looking.


They are both dark brahmas and are a pair at least, but I still question the front one as male as it would or should show alot more black if it was a male. But, with hatchery stock, you never know. You have at least one girl, lets just put it that way.

I had a couple different guesses as to what breed these guys were. One was Pencilled Cochin and one was Dark Brahma Bantam.

Thought someone might be able to tell better with this updated picture.

They looked the same as chicks, but have grown to look quite different. Can't remember just when I bought them, but I would guess they are around 6 weeks old?

Any clearer ideas?
Here's the updated pic... Thanks

I go with Dark Brahmas as well. Their legs aren't feathered enough to be a Cochin (or at least high quality) and they are a little taller than I would expect a Cochin to be.

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