Updated! - Test Your Diagnostic Skills - Warning, Contains Graphic Necropsy Photos

Oh gross! But I bet you are right. You are stronger than me. I love pus and gore, but smells!!! NO way!!!!!
I search on here and you tube for incision and drainage of animal abscesses. Sick I know!!!
I was a recovery room nurse for 10 years and when we were slow, I would go to the operating room to see all them drain infections and abscesses.
I loved it!!!!!!! Lol
A woman after my own heart ;)
I noticed today that one of my bcm's was lethargic and sitting in a corner of the coop. When I picked her up she immediately started discharging the contents of her crop, it was runny and appeared to be just liquid mixed with food. I examined her crop for possible impaction, her crop was fairly full and it felt soft and smooth with no obstruction, as I was attempting to massage it she began choking and spitting up more of the contents. Shortly after that she went limp and passed away, at that point her crop emptied completely. I performed a necropsy and found a few unusual things that I would be interested in hearing if anyone knows what would have caused this. I first checked her crop and I believe it burst, I don't think that I nicked it when I cut her open, but it had a small round hole about half the size of a pea. As I was opening her abdominal cavity I noticed that I couldn't find her gizzard, normally it would be large firm lump on the side of her abdomen. As I continued I found a large mass about the size of a baseball where her gizzard should have been, it appears to be full of blood, and it is soft with no apparent hard lumps, I have not cut that open yet. I also found her gizzard, which was very small, my finger is pointing at it in the picture. The rest of her digestive tract seems to be normal. I have her esophagus, crop, and gizzard layed out. To the upper right of the gizzard is the mass that I don't know what it is. Any help would be appreciated.
I don't know why only one image is visible, I always have trouble loading pictures on this site. You can see the liver, the gizzard is right below that, about the size of a quarter, and the mass is up and to the right of the gizzard, (the big purple ball )
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I noticed today that one of my bcm's was lethargic and sitting in a corner of the coop. When I picked her up she immediately started discharging the contents of her crop, it was runny and appeared to be just liquid mixed with food. I examined her crop for possible impaction, her crop was fairly full and it felt soft and smooth with no obstruction, as I was attempting to massage it she began choking and spitting up more of the contents. Shortly after that she went limp and passed away, at that point her crop emptied completely. I performed a necropsy and found a few unusual things that I would be interested in hearing if anyone knows what would have caused this. I first checked her crop and I believe it burst, I don't think that I nicked it when I cut her open, but it had a small round hole about half the size of a pea. As I was opening her abdominal cavity I noticed that I couldn't find her gizzard, normally it would be large firm lump on the side of her abdomen. As I continued I found a large mass about the size of a baseball where her gizzard should have been, it appears to be full of blood, and it is soft with no apparent hard lumps, I have not cut that open yet. I also found her gizzard, which was very small, my finger is pointing at it in the picture. The rest of her digestive tract seems to be normal. I have her esophagus, crop, and gizzard layed out. To the upper right of the gizzard is the mass that I don't know what it is. Any help would be appreciated.
I don't know why only one image is visible, I always have trouble loading pictures on this site. You can see the liver, the gizzard is right below that, about the size of a quarter, and the mass is up and to the right of the gizzard, (the big purple ball )

Here's a picture of the mass cut in half, appears to be mostly blood. The quarter is for size comparison..
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