Updated! - Test Your Diagnostic Skills - Warning, Contains Graphic Necropsy Photos

Quote: I did that and I see this:

A little risque for a coin, so I tried to find out more about it, but couldn't find any others like it. Is it real? Is she wearing a bathing suit top? I can't tell and if not, I will remove the picture.

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I did that and I see this: A little risque for a coin, so I tried to find out more about it, but couldn't find any others like it. Is it real? Is she wearing a bathing suit top? I can't tell and if not, I will remove the picture. -Kathy
It looks real and feels real but it's just a novelty coin. Did you paint the bikini on it, or did somebody else? Oops, sorry, did not mean to offend anyone. :(
I've removed my thinking cap on this one. It seems that you feel you already have your answer.

@Wonderwend No, I have not made up my mind. I am hoping to get some plausible suggestions. After I said that it was well back of the lungs you decided to post a picture contradicting the location of the ball. The ball was located in the abdominal cavity, the heart and lungs are in the chest cavity, I'm trying to give accurate information, and have considered alternate organs suggested, but I had just posted that it was "well back "of the lungs when you seemed to suggest that I didn't know one end of a chicken from the other. I'm sorry if you didn't like my response to your response. I was also hoping that there would be some pathologist types looking at these pictures that would have professional opinions on whether this was random, genetic, or environmental and if there would be preventive measures.
I will send your pictures off to Davis... Sometimes I get a reply, but sometimes I don't. Have you thought about sending them to the avian pathologist at you state lab?

I will send your pictures off to Davis... Sometimes I get a reply, but sometimes I don't. Have you thought about sending them to the avian pathologist at you state lab?


I've taken carcasses there once before and I had to pay 95.00 for the testing. I don't know if they accept pictures for more of an FYI issue. This particular case doesn't appear to be more than a random unusual occurrence, so I'm not overly concerned, or I would have froze the carcass. I would definitely be interested if you get a response though. Just by the responses here it seems like nobody has ever seen it before. I get the newsletter from the lab here in Wisconsin and I'll probably dig around for a way to submit pictures, as long as it's free. Lol
I will send your pictures off to Davis... Sometimes I get a reply, but sometimes I don't. Have you thought about sending them to the avian pathologist at you state lab?


I've taken carcasses there once before and I had to pay 95.00 for the testing. I don't know if they accept pictures for more of an FYI issue. This particular case doesn't appear to be more than a random unusual occurrence, so I'm not overly concerned, or I would have froze the carcass. I would definitely be interested if you get a response though. Just by the responses here it seems like nobody has ever seen it before. I get the newsletter from the lab here in Wisconsin and I'll probably dig around for a way to submit pictures, as long as it's free. Lol

The pathologist at the lab I use likes it when I send him unusual necropsy pictures and will often reply with "that looks like x disease, but cannot know for sure without further testing". Call and ask for the email address of the lead avian person, I bet they'd be more than happy to look at the pics for free. :D


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