Upper respiratory infection or just a dirty duckling?


In the Brooder
May 8, 2015

One duckling has had a dirty face mainly around her eyes. No sneezing. Appetite, energy, and stool is normal. Is this an upper respiratory bug I need to jump on? If so what are your suggestions for treatment?
@Going Quackers recently said her Pekins are prone to eye infections, and suggested antibiotic drops, if I recall correctly. I would stay on top of it with topical treatment and watch for any signs of it spreading.

I wonder if some animals might have seasonal allergies.

Can you get her into a tub of warmish (85F) water for a while and see if it doesn't clean up? Don't leave her alone in the water.
@Going Quackers
 recently said her Pekins are prone to eye infections, and suggested antibiotic drops, if I recall correctly.  I would stay on top of it with topical treatment and watch for any signs of it spreading.

I wonder if some animals might have seasonal allergies.

Can you get her into a tub of warmish (85F) water for a while and see if it doesn't clean up?  Don't leave her alone in the water.

I will give both treatments a try! Thank you!

They are loving their bath!! The one that has crusty eyes has already cleaned her face up! Thanks for the tip!

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