Yeah--originally I was just going to refund him his precious $1.90 (the random amount he said he was charged for the flat rate box)...and nothing more. Then, I was going to ship him a few more eggs for free (at my cost). But I'm glad I came on here & started asking questions....I would have ended up in the hole anyway!

He still hasn't left me any feedback nor has he answered my emails about wanting proof of broken eggs or any receipts from the post office...of course, I have gotten into the habit of not leaving feedback until I receive it. So if he leaves me negative, he'll get a negative in return.
I would email them, first & let them respond. They may offer you free eggs (if you pay shipping)....

If they are defensive or rude--leave neutral & just say why on there...that way, other buyers can be aware of the possibility of receiving broken eggs. I would just put neutral & then say "Four eggs broken upon arrival, not packed well."

Or something?
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

... They have no control over USPS, so any breakage is really not their fault unless you can prove that they didn't use any packing material at all. All you can do is perhaps write to them and let them know what your hatch rate was, and suggest that they only ship on Mondays and Tuesdays to avoid the weekends. ...

That seems a little overly generous. While I agree they have no control over USPS they do have control over the adequacy of the packaging for the intended purpose. They could use lots and lots of packing material and still have lots of broken eggs. I know, I have seen it done a couple of times!

Still, I did not leave negative feedback for it, I informed them of the outcome of the shipment, suggested alternate packaging methods (the shredded paper in egg cartons packed in more shredded paper seems to be great
) and put them on my list of "Don't buy from again". I never requested replacements (although one seller did offer that once) and I certainly never tried to blackmail anyone.

However, the breakage is the extent of it. I would never hold anyone to a hatch rate, even when the eggs appeared mostly infertile (common problem with turkey eggs). The shaking and bouncing and sitting square over the hot exhaust region or cold temps out of season really are beyond any sellers control.​
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On your question: Contact the seller first... Sometimes they will offer you a partial refund if you feel that they are partially at fault and take pictures of the box and what the eggs looked like, so they can see what you saw when you got them.
You can't hold the seller a negative for broken eggs, not sending extras, or for delays by the postal service. When you choose to leave him feedback and you really don't want to leave a positive, you have the option to leave a neutral noting they shipped fast but that one third of the eggs were busted. Otherwise, don't leave him feedback at all... or wait a month for the new feedback rules to go into effect that block sellers from leaving retaliatory feedback.
Thanks guys, I sent an email early this morning and have been waiting for them to get back to me. I'm not trying to get anything more its just that I paid so much and I really expected them to come whole..... I've never gotten eggs packaged the way they sent mine, but RoosterCrow said that way is his favorite... I prefer bubblewrap.... So I didn't care much for the packaging. They sent what they said they would send.... I'm just a little upset with the outcome.
That seems a little overly generous. While I agree they have no control over USPS they do have control over the adequacy of the packaging for the intended purpose. They could use lots and lots of packing material and still have lots of broken eggs. I know, I have seen it done a couple of times!

Still, I did not leave negative feedback for it, I informed them of the outcome of the shipment, suggested alternate packaging methods (the shredded paper in egg cartons packed in more shredded paper seems to be great
) and put them on my list of "Don't buy from again". I never requested replacements (although one seller did offer that once) and I certainly never tried to blackmail anyone.

However, the breakage is the extent of it. I would never hold anyone to a hatch rate, even when the eggs appeared mostly infertile (common problem with turkey eggs). The shaking and bouncing and sitting square over the hot exhaust region or cold temps out of season really are beyond any sellers control.

You're right... I don't know what I was thinking when I typed that!

I've had several shipments so far, some packed tighter'n Fort Knox, and one that just didn't have enough crumpled paper in there so the egg packets could bounce around. Nothing broken, but I'm not holding my breath on the hatch rate of that one.
Your handling of the issue seems professional and fair... hopefully these sellers/buyers will be the same.

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