Upstate, NY chicken peeps!

she is a Silkie/Black Australorpe mix
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Hope to see you gyys at chickenstock 2010 Oct3rd--great raffles-50/50-chicken processing stations going on-etc my house in Onchiota NY 12989
I guess im more central Ny over here in Stanwix(near Rome) but Im from Everywhere upstate lol, Saratoga/Rotterdam...and always in the area to visit family : ) Wonder if the farm I buy eggs at on the way to my Dads in Victory Mills is on here..Hmmm We have 9 at the moment but I have a Roo too many and looking to relocate him, beautiful amberlink boy..
I love chicken math !!! As of 7 pm today I will have 15 chickens but...

3 are White Leghorn Roos but do not count since I am going to eat them

2 Are chicks ( 1 welsummer and 1 Black Australorp) so they do not count

2 Are EE roos that I am getting today so they will be in quarintine so they do not count

1 is a Cochin Roo that I got on impulse as a pet so he does not count

so In reality I have only 7 chickens but wait!!

Of those there are 2 Roos

1 Mutt and 1 Lav Silkie they do not lay eggs so they do not count

I have 1 silkie/australorp mix that is not producing eggs so she does not count

I have 4 silkie hens of whom only 1 is producing eggs at the moment so ..

I have the grand total of only 2 chickens that count!!!!!

So I have a RIR HEN and A SILKIE HEN for chickens

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