UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

haha that was last Friday-she wants a chick from every batch! I have an oddball coop because of it!

Oh wow! Hope you dont' hatch a whole lot.
haha that was last Friday-she wants a chick from every batch! I have an oddball coop because of it!

Oh wow! Hope you dont' hatch a whole lot.

In that 8 x 8 coop have 2 BO-SLW-cinnamon queen-bantam light brahma-bantam dark brahma-all hens and 1 mille fluer cochin roo ( 8 weeks old) hatched out in there and 1 split lav silkie and 1 OE both 2 weeks old that hatched out in there! can't get anymore diverse!
Hey Nat, I think Hedwig laid a double yolker today! Going to make some brownies later just so I can find out!
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shutup I want photos!!!

Poop, I didn't take photos but it was a double! Gonna be good brownies! That was only her 5th egg!
I think I got my first FBCM egg today! It was tiny, lol but pretty dark, and I dont have any others that lay that color egg.
In my 9x9 coop I have a speckled sussex, a partridge cochin, a white JG, a new hampshire, 2 SLW, 1 blue orp, 2 splash orp, (thanks Nat), 1 splash BLR, 1 dark BLR, 2 bantam Faverolles, (thanks Gretchen), 1 buff ameraucana, 1 olive egger, 2 lav ameraucanas, (thanks Karen), 2 rose-combs, 1 splash cochin, 1 lt brahma bantam, 1 millie fleur, and a sebright-mix roo who has a date with PC at chickenstock I think I got you beat! Someday I'll have one of everything.

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