UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

I actually have sticker tags-just plain white ones but those will work:) Thank you so much for all your help for sure-everyone...Shultz sent me some great literature( info on eggs and chickens and recipes that I will make alot more copies of for the info tent) and the BYC banner:)
I actually have sticker tags-just plain white ones but those will work:) Thank you so much for all your help for sure-everyone...Shultz sent me some great literature( info on eggs and chickens and recipes that I will make alot more copies of for the info tent) and the BYC banner:)

No problem Natalie!! Let me know if I can assist in anyway, I would be happy to.
I've really been wanting to get a few midget whites! But I dont have a pen for them and I'm not able to come up now.Darn!!!

bummer Amy:-( If they dont sell Im am not going to be broken hearted at all but I will make a 10 x 16 pen now for them:) It will just be more work before chickenstock and more $ hahaha
I've really been wanting to get a few midget whites! But I dont have a pen for them and I'm not able to come up now.Darn!!!

bummer Amy:-( If they dont sell Im am not going to be broken hearted at all but I will make a 10 x 16 pen now for them:) It will just be more work before chickenstock and more $ hahaha

Yeah I know, right! Well if they dont sell, I know who I could get a few eggs from maybe
bummer Amy:-( If they dont sell Im am not going to be broken hearted at all but I will make a 10 x 16 pen now for them:) It will just be more work before chickenstock and more $ hahaha

Yeah I know, right! Well if they dont sell, I know who I could get a few eggs from maybe

Yah in the Spring:) I hope she goes broody on them! Ive never hatched out a turkey egg all though Ive tried!
Yeah I know, right! Well if they dont sell, I know who I could get a few eggs from maybe

Yah in the Spring:) I hope she goes broody on them! Ive never hatched out a turkey egg all though Ive tried!

ooohh if I can get up a little bigger housing for them before the 3rd, I will take them. I only have one left from Nava and ElW and he is very lonely
Yeah I know, right! Well if they dont sell, I know who I could get a few eggs from maybe

Yah in the Spring:) I hope she goes broody on them! Ive never hatched out a turkey egg all though Ive tried!

Yeah I suck at hatching lol. I just let my broody hens do it anymore. I usually get a great hatch rate doing it that way, but I lost 2 of my good broody girls this past spring, some predator got them
Oh No!! THREE?! That's horrible! It's terrible how we can't let them out to scratch around because of the hawks. I wish I could throw a net over my whole yard. Instead, they only get out when I have the time, and only in small groups so I can keep an eye on them - I feel very guilty. Two days ago I heard everyone yelling and when I went down their was a HUGE hawk in the tree not 20 feet from them, just checkin' out the offerings. He didn't even leave right away when I was yelling and making noise. I actually had to hit the tree branch beneath him with a broom before he would fly away. Who knows how long he was sitting there, terrorizing them. I've lost birds twice before to hawks in the middle of the day. I feel your pain!

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