UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

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Hi George...about time you became visible on this thread!! Just checked out your bator on your BYC page...awsome job!!! I think I smell some modifications coming to mine!

Thanks Bob... I think I'm going to build another bator this winter and make some changes.

I figure I've been lurking long enough... guess I'll have to make a road trip to the next chickenstock. Seems like a fun bunch...
Still only the 6 that are out:-( nothing else is pipped:-( Dont get it...baor has been rock steady the last two weeks???
what temp and humidity? I must have missed ur post what hatched?

I had 5 of yours and 1 of mine ( the one I just threw in because I couldnt fit it in an order) I believe I have

1 white
2 splits
1 blue
1 blacl
and 1 of my splits

99.5-101 and right now humidity is at 69%
Bummer...I keep my humidity at about 70 during lockdown...did they pip?...when u crack them in inner membrane is collapsed humidity was low...when I used a hova I had a plastic plate that I used as a diffuserfor the fan..I felt as though the fan blowing straight down on the eggs causes me a problem with the eggs directly below the fan...I forget who made the suggestion to me but it worked and made sense
Nope no pips either. Ill crack them tonight to see--I cant imagine the humidty being too low it was starting and stayed at 70+ during lockdown:-(
Hahaha. I get them when they are too young to know they should be scared. Right out of the egg!
I plop them on my towel and they just sit there like 'wha???'. Plus I have a pretty decent camera.
I dragged my husband over to see your pics....and gave him the old "it's nice to live vicariously through other people" guilt trip. Great pics. Hopefully in a few months it will be us posting similar pictures! Where on the cruise did you go?

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