Urban Chicken Documentary -LA


8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
Hello BYC Members,

This is not Spam. I have permission to post the information below by the owner Rob Ludlow. My intention is to create a doc that is informative, fun and quirky. I want to share with viewers how wonderful it is to be a part of the world of chickens. I have three polish hens and when my family and I first discussed adopting the chicks, I was apprehensive and really didn't want much to do with it. Well as soon as we brought the girls home, I was hooked!! Love as first sight! Cupcake, Gravel & Ginger. What a hoot. I have even started a jewelery line on Etsy with the feathers that the girls shed. Why not.

My plan is to have the program broken into several segments. Starting with coop design, the egg, chick adoption, raising and living with the birds, health, predators and ending with chicken stories. The visual aesthetic I hope to capture will be similar to Giada's cooking show on the TV Food Network, but kicked up. Soft, warm, clean, visually pleasing. As we all you know urban chickens are a current topic and I am hoping that I can parlay the project into a series entirely about urban farming, bee keepers, community gardens, farmers markets, green living, earth homes and such. People who create living environments that are unique and good for the planet. I believe that I can create a visual and audio experience that is intriguing, informative and inspiring. Not only will people be interviewed but I want to show the general management of the birds; feeding, cleaning, watching. As a jumping off point below are some of the questions that I plan on asking...I'm sure more will evolve as we progress:

* The interviewee's profession ~ this question does not have be to answered.
* What made you decide to get chickens?
* Where did you get your birds & did you start with chicks?
* Have you had chickens in the past & where?
* Length of time that you have had the current birds?
* What is the breed of bird?
* Food source? Eggs, meat or family members?
* Do you grow your own food for the birds?
* Coop design?
* Are they free range?
* Poop - what do you do w/all that poop?
* Sickness - had any problems?
* How do you deal with predators?
* Personality of the birds?
* Fun & unusual stories.
* What do you do when you leave town?

I will also be looking for a vet to discuss bird health care issues. I understand that there is an architectural firm in LA that ask their students to design chicken coops as a way to understand architectural concepts. Fun.
I currently have a Dp who is very talented and excited about the project. I will be editing it myself and my husband will write the music. My background is in post production. If you like you can take a look at my history at www.lizcorbett.com. I have been involved in so many projects that it's time that I do my own!

We will be shooting in the Los Angeles area in late May or early June. If you are interested in participating please send an email to: [email protected]. There is no pay involved just the opportunity to brag and show off your birds and have fun.

Thank you and love the bird!

Liz Corbett
Hi Liz!
from S. Florida! Its great to have you here with us!
You'll find lots of helpful folks here on BYC.
I like your concept and approach. If I were in the SoCal area it would be intriguing to participate. Keep us abreast of your progress.
Welcome! Sounds like a great project and undertaking for you. I too, was apprehensive about the whole chicken proposal at first, so I know exactly what you mean! I am hooked already as well. So much to learn and do, but I also feel like this a wonderful thing for a 5 yr old girl who is more acquainted to city life. This will be a great thing for us as a family.
Will keep watch for your documentary!

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