Urban Farming Enthusiast From Philly Area


7 Years
Oct 2, 2012
Philly area
Hello All,

I have been reading quite a bit of info on here and appreciate that there is such a place to come and get what I need to keep going down the road to sustainability in the Urban Jungle.

I am in the process of starting up a non-profit learning center which will teach people how to set up and run aquaponic systems in their own homes for very little costs. I feel that knowing how to raise fish, poultry/game birds and rabbits all the while growing your own produce is essential to being food security in this age of shrinking farm lands and growing population. The fact that all of this can be done in your backyard or roof (flat roof), is exciting and I think empowers us to take back control of our food supply.

I am excited to have access to all the knowledge you all have shared on this web site and hope that in the future that I will be able to give back as much as I have received.

Thank you all for your knowledge.
Oh I should mention I am looking to get some Japanese Coturnix Quail, thought I should start small...lol then build up to chickens and ducks and rabbits. So anyone in the Philly area who can point me to the best place to get them please do. Looking to raise them for their eggs, not sure if I could raise them for meat as of yet =(... but that is the idea down the line.

As I read my first post I realized how serious it was...lol sorry don't mean to be so somber just very passionate about how many hungry people there are and want to do something about it.
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!

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