Urban Farming Noob


In the Brooder
Oct 16, 2016
Hello All!

I have raised my first four urban yardbirds since February and they have brought a level of joy to my life that I didnt know I was missing. Sadly, I learned the ways of the predators and lost one-almost two- to a dog who dug into my yard. I figured out that my Silver Laced Wyandottes are not super friendly, in my case, and not as well adapted to self preservation. My NH Reds seem quite smart/friendly and hid quite well when they needed to. One on my roof and another popped out when it suited her that day. So...I want a couple of new ladies to add to my 3 bird flock. My Reds are awesome but what else is out there? Friendly and smart. I like them as pets so eggs aren't that important and they will never be on my dinner table. I'm in the Dallas TX area, by the way.

This whole dog thing really traumatized me, even though I knew something like this was bound to happen. They are usually kept in their coop/run when Im not home and we were fortunate enough that I looked out the window when I heard odd noises in my yard.

I have been a lurker for a year now. I have learned so much from this page and my Divas have the benefit of that. Thanks!
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- glad that you have joined us. Sorry to hear about your loss, but it can be difficult to try and guard against every possible predator, all the time.

You will probably get lots of opinions as to which birds will suit your requirements best. Take a look at the breeds section - it may give you some inspiration. After you have made 20 posts, you can participate on the buy/sell/trade forum, which could be a good potential source of birds.

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area - https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/26/where-am-i-where-are-you

I'd suggest reading through these threads, before you get your new flock members, as it will help you greatly in terms of planning an integration strategy.




Best wishes

Thank you, CT. I am hesitant to add new birds just because I know I will have to slowly introduce them. This will likely happen between January and March, when I will have 100% attention to dedicate. Thank you for the links!
Thank you, CT. I am hesitant to add new birds just because I know I will have to slowly introduce them. This will likely happen between January and March, when I will have 100% attention to dedicate. Thank you for the links!

You are most welcome for the links and good luck.

Just remembered this link, which includes some notes on friendliness, for each breed - http://www.sagehenfarmlodi.com/chooks/chooks.html
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I still welcome opinions and experiences, despite the vast variety. I've looked this whole site over and I'm still not sure. Focus helps. Thanks!
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Sorry to hear about the run-in with the dog, unfortunately that happens. I don't think it's easy to recommend breeds based on traits like "friendliness" because it can vary so much within a breed. For example, I had Australorps in my mixed flock (which most will say is a very sweet natured, friendly breed) but had to get rid of them because mine were holy terrors. The birds I had the most fun with were my red sex links, but you could have a different experience with them. Use the traits as general guidelines, but don't expect every bird to conform...they are all little individuals with their own personalities.

Have fun choosing your new birds, there are so many great ones to get!
My white Orpingtons are friendly and smart, as well as being alert free rangers. My buff orpingtons are pretty oblivious to danger but are much friendlier, sociable birds. In terms of personality and sense of self preservation, I'd say my NH Reds and Rhode Island Reds are equal. The RIRs can be a bit sassier with the other chickens, a little more apt to show they're the boss, but they aren't bullies or hurt any of the others.
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:welcome! Sorry about the dog, losing animals to predators can be unfortunate. :( I personally love Buff Orpingtons! They're friendly and follow you like dogs. I also like Easter Eggers, they're a variety of neat colors and they lay the most intriguing eggs!

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