Urgent! Best way to transport a Phoenix Rooster to the show in car?


15 Years
Oct 13, 2008
Northern NJ
I have to leave really early in the morning and am wondering bigger crate, smaller crate, lower crate or what, I am taking 2 of them. Don't want to mess up their tails on the way there.

Thanks if you can answer soon I really appreciate it.
Thanks Jean, I am Jean too, anyway I guess i will use the large carriers then. I will pray Junior's last long tail feather makes it in tact. Riley doesn't have a long tail yet as he is younger but they are both the same size so I will give them each a crate of their own.
I use a large dog crate for transporting large birds. I have seen those Plastic storage containers with the holes drill in the sides. I think the plastic works better to preserve feathers from getting frayed. Hope you do well
Thanks I am showing 11 birds and I have been picking up the carriers at garage sales :). I will put 3 ladies together (1 SSH and 2 Ameraucanas) and 2 of the 5 araucanas can ride in same one but the rest I want to do individually so I will have a car full of carriers. And the last is a sebright, trying to get to bed soon but am hyper.
This post is probably to late, but may help for next time. My son used to use the disposable hair nets, like the ones they use in restrants to keep the feathers from being worn and I don't think They were ever with out them other then being bathed, conditioned or shown.
Hope that helps for next time.
WE transport our males in an 18 gallon tote minmum. WE drill the holes in the sides and top too. Provide plenty of shavings. Otherwise they are fitted into a horizon triple nest size box. Don't believe me ask those that have purchased birds and had to order a HUGE box to get me to ship 1 bird.

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