
In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
i have six red sex link hens, only about 7 weeks old. They look just like little chickens but are still in a brooder while the coop goes through minor construction. The chicks are all friendly to me, exept a skiddish one. teeheehee....although today i heard a lot of scream like chirps, i went to my room to see what happened and they were all fine. i watched them for a few minutes and one chick (YOLKO) had pecked at another, she did this a few more times, not to one specific hen. However, she seamed to be eating whatever she had pecked off, is she just pulling food stuck in the others feathers or is she trying to hurt them. I have also had a suspicion that she may be a he, but i cant see a waddle.

please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could be several things.... feather picking could be it since you say he/she is eating the feathers picked off the other birds,or, it could be the fact that they are bored with being in the brooder. If at all possible, they need some supervised outside time. That would cut down on the picking on one another.
PSJ, I think you are right. I had overlooked that they are already seven weeks old. They are going stir crazy in their box. Time for some outside fun...
awesome thanks... its ice in ohio for once s im setting up a pen outside now!
Hi, I have a similar problem. I have 1 small frizzle hen that just started laying eggs 2 growing 1 month old chicks and now my dad gave us another hen, this one is about the same age and size as the frizzle, but a total bully. She doesn't want to share the coop and bullies everyone in the run, to the extent that the frizzle isn't able to reach the nest box because the bully kicks her out. This is going on for a couple of days, we got her on Sunday, and I’m just worried that the frizzle and the chicks will get sick from such stress. Do you have any suggestions on how to make friends among the flock?

Thank you for any ideas.
It got worse today... I found a bald spot on my smallist.... its started bleading a little and all the chicks are pecking at him... I have him a bath to clean it but it didn't help.... I'm really scared now. Also when will a baby rooster get its wattle... because I'm growing on the fact that the bully may be a boy.
It got worse today... I found a bald spot on my smallist.... its started bleading a little and all the chicks are pecking at him... I have him a bath to clean it but it didn't help.... I'm really scared now. Also when will a baby rooster get its wattle... because I'm growing on the fact that the bully may be a boy.
If it is bleeding, you will need to take it out and put it somewhere else until it heals. If the others see blood or a scab,they will peck it. Sometimes until they kill it. Can you post some pictures of your birds?

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