URGENT! Chickens for Backyards Hatchery Customers, Please Read!


8 Years
Sep 26, 2014
Hello everyone,

I have 3 Black Copper Maran chicks (2 hens, 1 roo) from CFB, and I am trying to get Olive Eggers. I thought that they would lay those deep chocolate eggs, but after doing more research on Marans I found that hatcheries usually don't breed for those eggs. I am torn between keeping my current chicks because one review on the website says their hen lays beautiful chocolate eggs, or getting some new chicks that are guaranteed to lay at least a 5 on the Maran Scale. Can anyone who has bought BCMs off of CFB show me a pic of their eggs?

Who is CFB?
Well if you are not sure, why don't you go to one of the Marans clubs and look at their Breeder directory for a breeder near you.
then call up several of them and see if they have a trio ( two females and one male ) that they might like to sell . now is a good time to get some started Birds. two or three months old. You'll know what you're getting because the birds are already "started". and you'll save money by not having to raise them again.
plus your birds will be the proper age to be good winter layers, which are hatched in February and March.
You might want to also check the online results with the Marans clubs of their egg shows . check and see who's winning at the egg shows. maybe there's someone near you and buy birds from them.
Best ,
Hello everyone,

I have 3 Black Copper Maran chicks (2 hens, 1 roo) from CFB, and I am trying to get Olive Eggers. I thought that they would lay those deep chocolate eggs, but after doing more research on Marans I found that hatcheries usually don't breed for those eggs. I am torn between keeping my current chicks because one review on the website says their hen lays beautiful chocolate eggs, or getting some new chicks that are guaranteed to lay at least a 5 on the Maran Scale. Can anyone who has bought BCMs off of CFB show me a pic of their eggs?

My hatchery marans lay dark brown eggs with speckles
I suspect that Lilorp14 wants eggs much darker than that, since he/she mentioned a 5 on the color chart. This is a marans egg color chart:

Yes, I do. The picture on their site was of something slightly darker than an orpington egg and would barely qualify as a 2. In order to get good olive eggers, I would need something between 4 and 5.
Yes, I do. The picture on their site was of something slightly darker than an orpington egg and would barely qualify as a 2. In order to get good olive eggers, I would need something between 4 and 5.

I have no experience with CFB marans, but most people that want dark marans egg color seem to hatch shipped eggs or get stock from specialty breeders.

You can search the forums for sources - here are just 2 links from a quick search:


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