URGENT Hen walking in circles with head down and eyes closed


May 25, 2020
I have 3 Rhode Island Red hens which I adopted from my father in law and added to my flock about 18 months ago, so they could be a few years older than that.

Up to now they've been been fine and they have laid eggs etc, but recently all 3 looking like they are losing feathers all over or just have spikes where feathers were etc which I put down to pecking by other chickens and/or start of moulting. I was also about to check them for some sort of burrowing mite. The rest of the flock is fine it's just these 3.

Anyway the last 2 days one is looking a bit down (didn't go into the run last night and stayed out standing still - a bad sign). Today I found her by a fence, walking in circles with her head down and her eyes closed she kept that up all day. Haven't seen her eating or drinking.

I've read that it could be ear mites/brain tumour/virus (marek's ? newcastles ?)/vitamin deficiency etc,

  • doesn't look like wry neck (I've had another chicken with that so know what it looks like). Does anyone have any suggestions ?
  • I don't think it's vitamins, the rest of the flock is fine and they free range anyway.
How can I tell if it's an ear infection I was going to treat with invermectin would that help with an ear infection ?

How can I tell if it's a brain tumour or a virus ?

Many thanks for any quick answers as I'm not sure how long she can go on walking in circles...
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organic layers pellets offered all day, grain in the evenings, fresh fruit and vegetable scraps, free ranging on a farmyard etc. Occasional vits in their water. Shell, grit available around the farmyard.

Thank you.
organic layers pellets offered all day, grain in the evenings, fresh fruit and vegetable scraps, free ranging on a farmyard etc. Occasional vits in their water. Shell, grit available around the farmyard.

Thank you.
This is most likely part of the problem
The bird isn't getting a balanced diet.
The layer pellets are a balanced diet. Adding all this extra stuff/treats in is taking away from her getting a balanced diet.

Wry neck is caused by not getting proper nutrition.

Can you take a video of her real quick and up load it to Youtube?

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