URGENT I think she's dying!! EDITED: cocci confirmed! p. 3

Thats great that she is doing better. In what town did you find a vet that would deal with chickens?
I had a hard time when I needed one. I had the state vet himself here because no one would help me.
oh did you have Dr. Hoenig?? He is SOOOO nice. He helped us last summer when we were campaigning the city to change the zoning ordinance: he wrote a letter of support to the City Councilors. Today he hooked me up with some experts at Orono and between the two of them I got more good, specific information than the vet I PAID gave me (other than the actual fecal test results, of course...). It's nice to see that our tax dollars go to something so good and helpful sometimes!

The Animal Hospital of South Gorham and also apparently the North Windham vet will sometimes see birds, as it turns out. The South Gorham folks did the fecal float, and the doctor had chickens himself. No meds, though. Had to drive to a really out-of-the way place in Arundel for the Sulmet. Sheeeeesh!!!!!!!! A $50 day for the chickens.

Happily, Lillith really does seem to be doing better. WE'll hand-feed her some Sulmet-water before bed.
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Honestly I am really bad with names. That may have been his name not sure.

I am glad to know about the Animal Hospital though in case it is needed again.
After you have followed the dosage regime for the sulmet be sure to give them a live culture (free choice) yogurt to help get their intestinal tract back in good health. If you possibly can give aviacharge 2000 for a month as cocci can dmage the intestines to such an extent that the bird will have problems absorbing the nutrition from the feed (malabsorption) Avia Charge was developed and is approved for Organic Certified and can be purchased online from McMurray or Strombergs.
I had a batch of brooder raised chicks end up with cocci. Went from health and right after a sudden rain, not more than 2 days later, bloody poo everywhere and birds that would not eat. Immediately got sulmet when the feed store opened on monday, treated, and they all bounced right back to health. During laying and not moulting, 6 eggs a week still, for a hen into her second full year of laying. It was my only batch so far in 10 years or so to ever get cocci.

However, I think my fault in them getting it was because I did not expose them to the soil early enough like most the others. Grower pen set ups were still full and so they spent and extra 3 weeks in the brooder pen on the porch back then. They weren't exposed early enough and thus didn't get the chance to build up an immunity.

I like to now treat all my young young birds to a nice pile of dirt :p

Hope they all make a full recovery!
thanks everyone!

silkiechicken, yeah, it was a really sudden change in Lillith, too!

dlhunicorn, I have AviaCharge 2000 and will give it to them, along with plain organic yogurt, after the Sulmet. I have one chick who's seemed to have a malabsorbtion problem for several weeks now (and diarrhea)... I wonder if she's had a mild case of cocci all along...??
The only thing that worries me is that I have noticed all 4 of the chicks eating dry poop and shavings in the last day or so. I have never had chicks eat poop before. Obviously in light of the cocci, that's a very bad thing. Do you think they are doing it because their bodies aren't absorbing nutrients so they're desperately looking for something "else"? I sure hope they stop doing this soon!!

Lillith is looking GREAT this morning, running around and playing with the others. Gobbled up the mash I made for them, too. Hooray!! DH went out and got a new appliance box so I'll totally change out the brooder, too. Hope we've dodged this bullet.


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