URGENT!!! Major problem with pigeons! HELP!!!!


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
I live in KY, and it is very windy today. Evidently when my dad went in his pigeons' coop last, he didn't close the door all the way, and the wind has blown it open.

There are a pair of homers out, and one of the rollers.The homers have babies inside the coop!!! What can I do to get them back in? If I opened the door, I know the others would most likely get come out. Would they go back later? These have all been here for at least 2 months. The homers' are sticking around because of their babies I'm sure. The babies are a few weeks old, but still being fed by the parents, and can't fly yet.
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We had a similar problem here in Phoenix.

Downtown at Patriots park there are just pigeons everywhere...

So the mayor took bids on getting rid of them. Different folks came in with different bids.

Finally one fellow walks in and says, "I'll get rid of your pigeons for $5,000, but there is a catch. If you ask any questions about how I do it then you'll have to come up with $50,000... but I guarantee you I'll get rid of all of your pigeons"

The mayor agreed.

So one Saturday the gentleman shows up with a small pet carrier at Patriots Park. He opens it and out pops this BRIGHT BLUE pigeon. Immediately upon seeing this BRIGHT BLUE pigeon other pigeons fly over to investigate. Then the BRIGHT BLUE pigeon took off and all of the other pigeons took off after it. It flew in circles around downtown Phoenix until there was a huge flock of pigeons flying after it.

Eventually the pigeon turned south and flew to South Phoenix where the gentleman had driven to his backyard barn. The Bright Blue Pigeon flew into the barn followed by thousands of pigeons gathered from all over Central Phoenix. Once the last pigeon was in, he shut the barn door, collected his BRIGHT BLUE pigeon. Shut the door and turned on the poisonous gas.

On Monday he went in to collect his check and the Mayor handed him a check for $50,000.
He told the gentleman that he had watched him Saturday morning and that he just had one question for him and knew that it would cost him extra....

And what was the question that the mayor asked him?
Got any BRIGHT BLUE Illegal aliens?

I wish I had some advice for you. Are the babies tiny?
Shelley, does your Dad have a trap arrangement on his coop?

If he does, then just open the trap door and leave the bars down, throw a little feed on the entrance to it and they will come on home.

If he doesn't then you will have to put the other pigeons out into a enclosed flight area and leave the door to the loft open for the three renegades.

The roller probably won't go far and come back shortly. The Homers will hang around and may or may not come back to their chicks. If they were originally bred and raised by your Dad then not to worry as it is the only loft they have known. However if they are older birds that he got from someone else, they may try to home to their old loft.
They are about 2 or 3 weeks old, so they aren't that small, but they are still being cared for by the parents. They should be ok as far as warmth goes till the parents go back, but I'm not sure.
No he doesn't have a trap door on it. The homers came from somewhere else, but they are still hanging around. They are actually right here above the door to our house! I'll have to wait till dad gets home from church and see what he wants to do with them. They don't seem to want to go anywhere, so I hope they go back in.
If we had one we probably could!
We opened the door, and the two homers went right in. I think the other one that is out is one of the homers babies from this summer. It doesn't do any tricks when it flies, so I'm thinking it's not a roller. We are trying to get that one in, but it's a bit confused on how to do it. The other pigeons don't even seem to know what to do with the door being open. We might have to wait till later and try and catch it, if it won't go in on it's own. At least mom and dad pigeon are back to care for their little ones.
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Ok, youll need to get one of your experienced flyers to show them the way back in. Just let them out and they will return and show him how!!
The parents wont go far either.
They will hang around till they are hungry or feel insecure, they will come back in eventually, Ive had this happen too, however 3 turkish tumblers were not homed yet and flew back to where they lived.
Good luck with them,
also if you need more advice, http://www.pigeons.biz/forums/index.php have a wealth of knowledge!!
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