URGENT! My 2.5 months old aseel chick's body turned blue and died within a couple of hours


In the Brooder
Feb 26, 2020
I have 4 aseel chicks, all of them were good till morning. I fed them and they were okay,i observed one of them was very slightly limping i checked for any injuries or if she feels any kind of pain but she was okay no pain no signs of injury. After a couple of hours i went and saw the same chick just sitting still ( usually they all come running to me wether its feeding time or not) i held her and saw that her feet were blue, her legs were okay but feet were slightly swollen and blue, i lifted her wings one side was completely reddish-blue other side was okay, i didn't knew what happened or what was the reason, i thought she fell off from somewhere or IDK but still i decided to massage her feets with bit of warm oil (in case if it just went numb), i was just holding her and massaging her feets and she just layed down in my hands and died in just a couple of minutes.
I don't know what happened if anyone knows what was this then please let me know
I've been keeping aseels since i was a child but i haven't seen anything like this.
Chick's or even adult's feet sometimes turn blue but thats either because of he winter (which is not in this case as temprature is around 28-30c here) or vitamin b-12 deficiency (their diet is balanced and i even give them multi-vitamins) but none of them have ever died in such a short time because of it.
How awful! First, I highly recommend you refrigerate the body of this chick and today call around and locate a lab to do a necropsy. Usually universities have a agricultural lab that will do it.

It sounds like poisoning could be a possibility as cause of death. Were your chicks running around outside? Could they have found some poisonous substance such as insecticide, rodent poison, hydraulic fluid, antifreeze engine coolant? Is there any machinery running near the chicken coop such that fumes could have gathered inside such as carbon monoxide?
Thanks for your response.
Im from Pakistan, the chick was around 2.5-3 months old.
And no there is no machinery near them, they're in well-ventilated area.
Rest of the chicks looks good nothing wrong with them
Well that's not good and I'm still thinking something like heart failure happened?

I really have no idea, they are in the same place from the beginning and temeraputure haven't varied anyhow in the past few days.
Something bit her, some kind of insect or something, or she ate one that's my guess about what could have happened because she very calm the whole time(which she is not she doesn't liked to be touched) i held her few minutes to examine her all over and then massaged her but she was calm the whole time and just like that she passed
Maybe a poisonous snake bite? Do you have any snakes around the house and chicken coop? Snake venom could produce these symptoms. If you have a problem with rodents coming around, snakes usually come around, too. I've found rattle snakes in my run on two occasions over the years. Luckily no chickens were bitten.
Maybe a poisonous snake bite? Do you have any snakes around the house and chicken coop? Snake venom could produce these symptoms. If you have a problem with rodents coming around, snakes usually come around, too. I've found rattle snakes in my run on two occasions over the years. Luckily no chickens were bitten.

No, here in pakistan especially in the city snakes are not very common, atleast i have never seen one around my house or even in my area. And the chicks are not on ground, they have their space on first floor in my balcony which is about 20x4ft and they are there whole day.
It Could be something venemous, or heart attack i haven't found still.
But i am very careful about the rest of them i washed the whole place yesterda even the cage in which they sleep at nigh. Their sand area was also clean nothing there as well, i just hope rest of them stay safe and healthy.

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