Urgent". Need quick responses!


5 Years
Mar 13, 2014
We are in south central Texas and a freak cold front is coming in today. It's been in the upper 80s and 60s at night. My 3 week old chicks have been moved out to the big coop. I have 18 of them. I've got the Ecoglow on our there and a heat lamp. The temp. On the opposite side of the coop shows 50 right now and is dropping to mid 30s tonight. Should I plan on bringing them back in for the night or will they be ok with the ecoglow and heat lamp if the coop drops to the 30s? Need help! I'm a new chicky Mom
I would bring them in, just to be on the safe side, if it's not too much trouble. I wouldn't be able to sleep all night, worrying about the light burning out or the babies lying out there shivering! Yup, I'm a worrier.
They have a heat lamp, an EcoGlow, and each other! They'll be just fine.

BTW, I brood outdoors in early spring when temps often drop below freezing in the cold areas. You'd be surprised how they don't mind one bit and charge around like the little chickens they are coming back to crash out under the lamp, repeat.
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Well, I guess I'm a hovering mothers hen... I brought them back inside. LOL. At least I can relax now! Still new to this and I'm like a first Tim mommy who doesn't want to mess up! Thanks so much for the responses!:highfive:
Well, I guess I'm a hovering mothers hen... I brought them back inside. LOL. At least I can relax now! Still new to this and I'm like a first Tim mommy who doesn't want to mess up! Thanks so much for the responses!
Ha! You're just like me. Hello fellow worrywart!

(You'll sleep much better tonight)
I'm in Texas too. I left the house in a short sleeve this morning.
My pullets are 8.5 weeks old now and I'm still worried about them. I called my husband and asked him to turn the 100W bulb on.
I live In TN, Just put my new babies in a runner pen inside the coop a few days ago. You'll know if its too cold for them by there reaction. If they're staying under the light constant you know they probably need to be kept in at night another week or so. Also you could add some hay and put them in a plastic ben and clip your light on the side. They plastic will soak up the heat and help keep them warm, done this in the past. Hope this will help.
I would also say do what makes you able to sleep at night. I've brooded outside in our coop before with a heat lamp from day olds. I kept a thermometer out there with them so I could see the highs and lows of the day/night. They did just fine out there... (this was in early fall in CT) But if you aren't going to be able to sleep at night and be up worrying, then just bring them inside. No harm done.

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