Urgent-Online vet recommendations? Very concerned about illness in my flock!


Aug 9, 2020
Help me! I'm feeling so worried about my flock of hens. I have been concerned about one in particular for the last week or so, a 1 year old welsummer. She stopped laying eggs at least two weeks ago and has been sleepy, with droopy eyes during the day. I was hoping she was just stressed because the rooster has taken a new interest in her and she has a big bald patch on her back from him. In the meantime, I've started to wonder about others in the flock. The rooster is now sneezing and others are looking a little pale in the comb with some droopiness to their eyes as well. It is a nightmare trying to find a vet here that will see chickens. I finally got an appointment for two days from now, but I'm not super confident my welsummer will make it until then. I really don't want to lose any! Advice is greatly appreciated!!

I don't know how to check to see if she's eggbound but she isn't doing the penguin pose as I've read about. After a very dry spring, we have had a ton of rain and a drop in temperature so I'm not sure if that can cause any issues. Lastly, sometimes the chickens will get into the compost. I know now that this is a bad scenario so I will keep them out going forward.
It’s hard to say! I have a flock of 13. The rooster is definitely sneezing, and will do it somewhat often. The others I feel like will do a one off. I just sat with them observing it, and it’s hard to say with confidence. The sickest one, the one that stopped laying does not appear to be sneezing.
This is what they look like. Also, about half my flock is missing feathers on the front of their necks and we can’t figure out why. It looks like they are rubbed off but I can’t figure out where it would be happening or why only some of them have it


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Does anyone have tips for what I can do in the meantime or a resource for a GOOD online vet I can access? Or do you think I have time? I'm concerned about the wait
No help for online vets, but be sure they're drinking and eating until you find the veterinary help you need. If you have to hand-feed and water them, do so if you can.

Is there not an avian vet (or even a non-avian vet) near you?
No help for online vets, but be sure they're drinking and eating until you find the veterinary help you need. If you have to hand-feed and water them, do so if you can.

Is there not an avian vet (or even a non-avian vet) near you?
I had one for a short time and he left. It’s surprising how few there are! I’m driving over an hour to get to the one I made the appointment with. I have no idea if they are any good! I’m mostly concerned about things taking a turn between now and my appointment.
The chicken’s eye looks a bit crusty in the first pic, but what is it looking like in person? The second pic shows some eyelid swelling and conjunctivitis, which may be from a respiratory disease such as MG. MG symptoms can be treated with certain antibiotics, such as tylosin in the water, available here or from a vet:

You may also flush the eye and apply Terramycin eye ointment twice a day.

Feather picking or the start of molting could be responsible for the feather loss.

I would get them drinking some fluids or electrolytes. Offer moistened chicken feed a little scrambled egg bits. Make sure that you have good ventilation in your coop, it is not too hot, minimize dust and ammonia odor. Also look them over for moving lice and mites on their skin under vents and elsewhere.

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