Help me! I'm feeling so worried about my flock of hens. I have been concerned about one in particular for the last week or so, a 1 year old welsummer. She stopped laying eggs at least two weeks ago and has been sleepy, with droopy eyes during the day. I was hoping she was just stressed because the rooster has taken a new interest in her and she has a big bald patch on her back from him. In the meantime, I've started to wonder about others in the flock. The rooster is now sneezing and others are looking a little pale in the comb with some droopiness to their eyes as well. It is a nightmare trying to find a vet here that will see chickens. I finally got an appointment for two days from now, but I'm not super confident my welsummer will make it until then. I really don't want to lose any! Advice is greatly appreciated!!
I don't know how to check to see if she's eggbound but she isn't doing the penguin pose as I've read about. After a very dry spring, we have had a ton of rain and a drop in temperature so I'm not sure if that can cause any issues. Lastly, sometimes the chickens will get into the compost. I know now that this is a bad scenario so I will keep them out going forward.
I don't know how to check to see if she's eggbound but she isn't doing the penguin pose as I've read about. After a very dry spring, we have had a ton of rain and a drop in temperature so I'm not sure if that can cause any issues. Lastly, sometimes the chickens will get into the compost. I know now that this is a bad scenario so I will keep them out going forward.