URGENT!!! Sick baby chick!!!! :(


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 13, 2013
Hi everyone!

I have 8 baby chicks I bought from the feed store.

One of them is acting very lethargic, weak and sick :(

she doesnt eat much... she just sleep under the lamp... she stands sometime with her eyes closed and when she finally lays down her wings arent are pulled in next to her like the others!!!!

I put her in her own cage for a little.. she ate a little food.. and drank some water I mixed with chick saver (the vitamins and mineral packets) she heard her friends though and wanted out....

she did end up pooping but it was very watery and not very much at all!

What do i do?! shes so weak she will fall asleep while im holding her and sometimes stumbles when she walks...

Im so scared im going to loose her! i know its a part of "farm life" but shes so sweet :(

Hi everyone!

I have 8 baby chicks I bought from the feed store.

One of them is acting very lethargic, weak and sick :(

she doesnt eat much... she just sleep under the lamp... she stands sometime with her eyes closed and when she finally lays down her wings arent are pulled in next to her like the others!!!!

I put her in her own cage for a little.. she ate a little food.. and drank some water I mixed with chick saver (the vitamins and mineral packets) she heard her friends though and wanted out....

she did end up pooping but it was very watery and not very much at all!

What do i do?! shes so weak she will fall asleep while im holding her and sometimes stumbles when she walks...

Im so scared im going to loose her! i know its a part of "farm life" but shes so sweet :(

If your feed store is still open, call them and see if they carry Poultry Nutri-Drench. If so, run out and buy some When your bird is needy like this, it cannot digest its nutrition. PND mainlines directly into the bloodstream. It is a top quality Emergency nutritional supplement made by a company which makes them for many species. It is filled with vitamins, minerals and enzymes to support your bird and give it energy. But most of all, it does not need digesting. Here's their website:
http://www.bovidr.com/poultry.html Just buy the smallest bottle. it is very concentrated. Give the chick one drop only by mouth. Put 4cc per gallon in their waterer for 1st 2 weeks of life. If that tastes too potent to them and they don't like the taste, you can also use 2cc per gallon with good success. Buy a 3cc plastic syringe at your feed store if that is easier for you than the dropper included with the bottle.
Of course take the needle off the syringe, you will only be using it for a liquid measure purposes.
See the thread in this Raising chicks" forum called " How To deal With travel Stress In Baby Chicks" for a fuller explanation.
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Thanks! Ill get some tomorrow!!! She's still alive. The other chicks sort of keep her awake which I think is good. She's sleeping with her booty in the air now. Idk what that means!

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