Urgent sick chick

Take a close look at her vent and in case it is clogged with poop, clean it carefully while giving her backside a warm bath.
Dry her off well using a towel, you can use a blow dryer on low setting, be careful not to burn her.
I checked that all looks ok and she just done a poo now
I’ve just given her some and she’s done a pop she actually seems a little perkier she’s actually sat up although still sleeping! Thank you so much really fingers crossed now!
yes I’ve tried with the olive oil water and she did a poo do I just keep giving it to her?
Olive oil water?
How does that work out, oil and water? Oil floats on top of water, and when a chick goes to drink, it causes the oil to be shoved aside, therefore not much oil getting into your chick.

Next time you go for a McDonald's meal, stop by the grocery and pick up some coconut oil.
My little buff Orpington is sick I noticed today she seemed quiet and sleeps a lot but this evening she’s not owning her eyes at all or really moving. She was the first to hatch and was doing ok or so I thought until I put the others in with her. I think she may have got dehydrated and hungry after looking at how much the other moves and eat and drink!

I’ve taken her out of the brooder as the other are just trampling on her but I only have an electric blanket to keep her warm which she is for now, she looks helpless! I’m really gutted she was my little favourite I’ve been giving her sugar water egg yolk, what else can I do I live rurally so I can’t easily get to a supermarket! Please help she’s making a constant repetition cheeping noise it’s heart breaking what can I do?
Is she doing better? Pasty butt can be SO dangerous. My chicky this year got it and it got hard really fast so gently wiping it wasn’t working. What I ended up doing was letting her bum soak in warm water mixed with a bit of epsom salt under the heating lamp so she didn’t get chilled. She soaked for 10 minutes, it cleared right up, and she’s been fine since. Chick grit will help so so much as well. If you find they just keep knocking the grit over instead of eating it (my girls), sprinkle it on their food in small amounts. That way it’s in their diet regardless and helps keep them healthy.

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