How do I know if it is shrink wrapped? At what point should I step in? I really don’t want to lose any babies as there’s only 2 eggs showing signs of hatching and my 4 year old would be DISTRAUGHT if we don’t get a baby :/
It’s fine give them time there’s a lot going on in there you can’t see. They absorb the rest of their yolk sac after pipping just sit and watch enjoy the show it’ll come out when it’s ready. Can’t rush Mother Nature.
I'm reading online that if after 24 hours it hasn't zipped there is a problem. I really want the baby to live, how long do I wait? xx
How did this end up? Based on my experience, I'd assume not good. The chick was most likely positioned incorrectly as it looks like a manual turn machine.
Update us pleasseee
I think if it still hasn't started unzipping at this point you should definitely step in. The other one seems ok, though. I agree with BastyButt, it looks malpositioned.

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