Use my loss as your wake up call

Awww, I am so sorry.

I have started not closing the back door curtains until I have put the girls to bed because I can't remember if I have done it yet or not.

I have been putting off doing a bit more winterizing on my coop, lazy thing. I will go out tomorrow.... I will learn from your post.

Thank you.
So sorry for your loss
I'm sure your story will help someone else.
We are currently building a new coop and run and my husband doesn't seem to think the way I do about preditor-proofing....I am trying to avoid any situation and he's getting annoyed at me....I know I'm right! Thank you, and so sorry!
I had a similar thing happen a couple of years ago. I would forget to close the coop door, and it would be a racoon raid. I went to close the door on evening, just after sunset, and I caught a coon in action. We had a shoot out and I won. He paid the ultimate price for killing the rest of my chickens. I did not get any more chickens untill I ran power down to the coop and electrified the pen. THAT solved most of my problems. I lost a silky to a hawk or owl last week though. That is just part of living in the country. I am sorry for your loss.
I can't say it better than" Ingrid" - thanks for the reminder to keep checking - we had to leave a party early tonight so "we can get the chickens and geese in" for real! Everyone understood .
My mama always said "just do it right the first time"

You might wanna set a live trap and catch the freeloader. Nothin like a free chicken dinner to bring out the predators!


so sorry for your loss

Thank you for sharing so I might remember to check again....when I am not sure where my babies are concerned!
You all might consider this really over the top but I am glad I did it because I sleep very well at night not worrying about my chickens. When I built my coop I lined the INSIDE of the walls, floor and ceiling with 1/8 inch hardware cloth before I put on the plywood over it. The holes were so small even many insects could not get through it. If something manages to dig through the outside plywood walls they will have to would have to work pretty hard to get through the wire before they could even start on the inside walls. It is the outside plywood, 1/2 inch insulation (everywhere but the floor), the 1/8 inch hardware cloth and then the inside plywood.....Fort Knox for chickens and peace of mind for me.

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