Using back feathers to determine gender?


Mar 1, 2015
Colorado Springs, CO
Hi everyone,
I wanted to check and see if anyone has tried or had any luck sexing chicks at 1 1\2-3wks using the little "angel wing " looking feathers on their back that show up after about a week and a half. The first group of 6 chicks I got ended up as 3 pullets and 3 roos. All 3 roos had the little "angel wing" feathers. I got 2 more chicks to replace them, and now at 1 1\2 wks they both have the same little "angel wing" feathers. Anyone have any input or opinion about this?

I've never heard of sexing young chicks by their back feather appearance. I haven't noticed any differences between the back feathering of my male/female chicks before, but I could be wrong.

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