Using dead cedar for corner post?


8 Years
Nov 26, 2011
HI everyone, I am new to chickens, in the process of building a chicken coop. I want to use some dead cedars that are down for the corner post of the coop. I read several posts that shared some concern about using cedar. So is it ok to use cedar posts for the corner posts.
Cedar is toxic to chickens. If they are not able to get to the cedar then it is OK but I would think against it if they have access to it, they may pick at it?? It definitely should not be used for shavings.

Good luck with the coop!!
Using cedar to build is just fine. The warnings are against using cedar shavings in the coop as, it is said, the accumulation of cedar oils in a closed area can be hard on their respiratory systems.


Edited to say that cedar building materials have already "off gassed" the aromatic oils, thus they are totally safe.
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It should be fine to use them as posts. The problem seems to be the aroma of the cedar shaving. The shaving smell can be overwhelming to chickens. I do know people that use cedar shavings, that claim that they have never had a problem with the use of cedar shavings.
Using a Cedartree as a post is fine. Just make sure since it is dead that it is still solid. You don't want to have to replace it in a few years if it has started to decay.

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