Using herbs to euthanize quail?

Thanks domore, that was a great read... Unfortunately coturnix quail are experimented on a lot, but at the same time it's fortunate to have the research and conclusions available online to help care for them :)

ChickenLegs13 - not sure if you read my initial posts where I stated I was looking for a way to avoid the standard head chopping but thanks for trying to help :D
Yes, I did read it. I wasn't really trying to help, am just curious about the alternative method you are asking about.
I could see folks not wanting to buy a quail with a bloody stem where it's head used to be to carry home to the family pet snake, but if you are processing them you are going to rip their skin off, scrape their guts out and cut their little legs & wings off, which is pretty gross. So I was wondering what the issue was with popping the head off to cause a quick & easy, instant death.
Lol okay, well for your curiosity it's not about the look of the carcass or gross factor - just asking if people knew anything about euthanizing quail with herbs in case it was more peaceful/easier than traditional methods :p
using CO2 is bad and not humane!!!!! This will cause the bird to gasp for air and is traumatic. Better option is to use and inert gas such as Nitrogen, Argon, ect. Neither human or animal can tell the difference between Oxygen or inert gas, However the body does detect CO2 and will gasp for air and creating panic.

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