Using Posion for Mice

Please DO NOT use poison!
Use snap traps. My lovely kitty had to be put down last month because he got into the neighbors open garage and ate rat poison. It's highly addictive.
Not only that, but it takes days to actually kill mice/rats. It's slow and painful, and it paralyzes them, and slowly shuts down their brain until they die. And think about the cycle:
Mouse eats poison, owl catches mouse. Owl dies, crows/foxes eat owl, they die, Ect, ect, Ect. The cycle goes on.
Please don't use poison. Use snap traps.
We never had a Duck inside of the house, and yet even those mice we had in the attic are gone since the ducks patrol the area. If the mouse doesn't find any food in the house it must search outside - where the ducks are lurking…
Was a subtle, and obviously unsuccessful reminder to stay on topic ;)
Someone has already provided the root cause, the mice are living in the house because it is warm but they are getting their food from your chicken feeder. Secure the bulk feed in metal trash cans, get a treadle feeder with a spring loaded door and counterweight, there is just one on the market, and the rats will be forced to move to find food. Once out in the wild the predators will keep their numbers under control and as a bonus those same predators will be drawn away from your coop instead of being drawn too your coop.

Poison and traps don't work with most rodents as they learn quickly. They will work if the rodents find themselves starving because you bought a rat proof feeder.

No plastic parts, no wide treadle steps, a spring loaded door, and a heavy counterweight on the treadle feeder, and follow the installation and training instructions. Within a few days the rats will either leave or start foraging in the wild and their population will crash. Then the traps and poison might get a few.

Head over to the Feeding and Watering your Flock forum page or just do a Google search for BYC rat proof chicken feeder. Howard E.'s excellent post on dealing with rats will show up along with a review of my feeder. But any feeder you consider do your research, find the reviews OFF the sales platform where they cannot be filtered out. Our reviews are so good we leave the crazy people reviews there to make the reviews credible but most shopping carts allow the seller to delete bad reviews or simply not allowing them to be seen.

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