
Feb 20, 2021
Hello everyone, I have been using sweet pdz for about 2 months from now, and I was wondering if I was doing everything correctly (I'm pretty sure i'm doing it wrong).
When I add in the SWEET PDZ to my poop board after cleaning the coop, I leave it there for my chickens to poop on it for 1 week, and then once its cleaning time (every 1 week I clean it), I throw away all the contents on the poop board (which includes the chicken's poops & previous sweet pdz) and completely put in new SWEET PDZ. I then researched about how to use it and I found out that I have been doing wrong. If i'm correct your supposed to scoop out the poop daily and not just wait for 1 week and then throw it all away, which is what I did wrong.

MY CONCERNED QUESTIONS: If you scoop it out daily, how long do you do it until you completely change/throw away the whole sweet pdz from your poop board and restart by putting in new sweet pdz?

IMPORTANT: *I have a 3 x 4 coop*
I would say there is no wrong way in how you manage your coop. I scoop everyday. Eventually when there are too many little poo particles and the coop needs a refresher, that's when I scoop all and start with new.
The manufacturers would probably like you to use more so that you buy more. Just do what is practical and what you feel comfortable with.
Hello everyone, I have been using sweet pdz for about 2 months from now, and I was wondering if I was doing everything correctly (I'm pretty sure i'm doing it wrong).
When I add in the SWEET PDZ to my poop board after cleaning the coop, I leave it there for my chickens to poop on it for 1 week, and then once its cleaning time (every 1 week I clean it), I throw away all the contents on the poop board (which includes the chicken's poops & previous sweet pdz) and completely put in new SWEET PDZ. I then researched about how to use it and I found out that I have been doing wrong. If i'm correct your supposed to scoop out the poop daily and not just wait for 1 week and then throw it all away, which is what I did wrong.

MY CONCERNED QUESTIONS: If you scoop it out daily, how long do you do it until you completely change/throw away the whole sweet pdz from your poop board and restart by putting in new sweet pdz?

IMPORTANT: *I have a 3 x 4 coop*
I only use the granular form of PDZ and I scoop it with a metal cat litter scoop every morning. I have never removed the old PDZ. I just add more about every 7-10 days. About once a month, I "super scoop" the boards with a plastic cat litter scoop I attached a kitchen sieve to. That gets out the finer particles.
I would say there is no wrong way in how you manage your coop. I scoop everyday. Eventually when there are too many little poo particles and the coop needs a refresher, that's when I scoop all and start with new.
The manufacturers would probably like you to use more so that you buy more. Just do what is practical and what you feel comfortable with.
Hello Crazy Maizie, thanks for your reply! I was wondering about how many weeks do you tend to do a whole refresh for the sweet pdz once you see the small poo particles?
I only use the granular form of PDZ and I scoop it with a metal cat litter scoop every morning. I have never removed the old PDZ. I just add more about every 7-10 days. About once a month, I "super scoop" the boards with a plastic cat litter scoop I attached a kitchen sieve to. That gets out the finer particles.
Hello DobieLover, thank you for your reply!! I will definitely follow what you just told me! What happens as you add in more PDZ every 7-10 days and the poop board gets all filled up do you have to take some out or just restart?
Hello DobieLover, thank you for your reply!! I will definitely follow what you just told me! What happens as you add in more PDZ every 7-10 days and the poop board gets all filled up do you have to take some out or just restart?
It doesn't get filled up. I replace what gets removed with the scooping. I don't put that much down. I keep it less than 1/4" thick or the girls start dust bathing in it. 🙄
It doesn't get filled up. I replace what gets removed with the scooping. I don't put that much down. I keep it less than 1/4" thick or the girls start dust bathing in it. 🙄

Mine will dust bathe in it like it's an illicit drug, no matter how little I put in, so I embraced it - I have hens that stalk me while I clean and have learned to dust the lower boards first. The second the PDZ (i use powder, they hate the granules and in my climate it doesn't work as well) hits the board ... it's PDZ addicts fighting for every inch of the board. Yes, they have tons of other dust bathing areas.
I only use the granular form of PDZ and I scoop it with a metal cat litter scoop every morning. I have never removed the old PDZ. I just add more about every 7-10 days. About once a month, I "super scoop" the boards with a plastic cat litter scoop I attached a kitchen sieve to. That gets out the finer particles.
Is ther a different form than granular?

Never mind that was answered in a different thread. I didn't know there were 2 kinds. Now, I do. :)
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Hello Crazy Maizie, thanks for your reply! I was wondering about how many weeks do you tend to do a whole refresh for the sweet pdz once you see the small poo particles?
I've not really thought of how long in between putting fresh down. But, its definitely weeks. As well, I clean out the coop twice a yr - removing anything not nailed down to wipe it and look for anything that needs replacing.

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