usual behavior.


12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
True Ameraucana
32weeks old
Wormed in Sept/Oct
not laying yet
no mites/pest on her
vent and crop look/feel ok

She is acting strange. Staying on the roost until everyone else is out. Acts afraid of the other chickens, doesn't seem to see well, I can place treats in front of her and she doesn't peck at them. She will eat from the dish and feeder that is always in the same place and drinks water from both waterers. She will let me pet her and hold her (with a little protest). Her eyes look clear, her vent is moist and normal, she hasn't started to lay yet (but neither have any of my other Am or EE). She stays with her Am and EE sisters (they are always together)when they are out free ranging and she does scratch and looking like she is eating grass, bugs etc..

What should I look, treat, do for her?? I have already lost one girl to an unknown and I don't want this one to get down before I take 'pro' action...

Thanks Dixie
She may just be at the bottom of the pecking order. Are they on a commercial feed? What is the protein %?
yes, they get free choice Layena pellets (16% protein)--24/7, they also get greens from my garden, free range a few hrs every day, they get premium bird seed and a few oats every day. They have fresh water in two different vessels and 5 different feeding 'stations'. they have grit and oyster shell all the time...

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