
My IFA curse is not coming home with extra chicks; it's coming home with the boys when I can only have gals. Looks like my sweet 4 week old Turken chick is turning into quite a handsome boy. If anyone would like him before I take him back to IFA, please let me know. He's a super sweet guy that comes when called and has no problems being picked up and held. Sure wish I could keep this one.

My IFA curse is not coming home with extra chicks; it's coming home with the boys when I can only have gals. Looks like my sweet 4 week old Turken chick is turning into quite a handsome boy. If anyone would like him before I take him back to IFA, please let me know. He's a super sweet guy that comes when called and has no problems being picked up and held. Sure wish I could keep this one.

Darn it thats why I bought 3 chickes hoping 2 of them are girls
Brad, I hope your flock is doing better?

Welcome back Sundance! Haven't been on for a couple of days. Had our sons weeding, a new roof being put on. That's noisy..lol

Lisa, I was going to post a photo along with the message on fb..but thought I would share here..have to show off the happy couple! I can't believe our baby is married! And, I can't believe we are expecting our 34th grandchild. She is having her 5th boy!

Here is Austin and Bronwyn

It was such a fun day. They are pretty happy. Us too. We love this girl.
Brad, I hope your flock is doing better? Welcome back Sundance! Haven't been on for a couple of days. Had our sons weeding, a new roof being put on. That's noisy..lol Lisa, I was going to post a photo along with the message on fb..but thought I would share here..have to show off the happy couple! I can't believe our baby is married! And, I can't believe we are expecting our 34th grandchild. She is having her 5th boy! Here is Austin and Bronwyn It was such a fun day. They are pretty happy. Us too. We love this girl.
Awww Cynthia he looks so happy. What a GREAT kid, I am sure you are just crazy proud of him right now!! Thanks for sharing ! <3
Hi all. New here, from Taylorsville. I just have to agree with staying away from IFA. Went there and had to take home 2 fuzzy ducklings

Congratulations! Welcome to the adventure that is ducks ;-) I am so happy with mine it's crazy. They are responsible for 90% of my smiles on a daily basis. Also some source of exasperation upon occasion ;-) I'm in Kearns. I have (8) ducks as well as (11) chickens.
Congrats Cynthia. I've got a few years before my kids reach that stage, but it looks fun :)

I've finally got my flock down sized, so I just have to wait for my pullets to start laying. Just hoping going to chicken stock doesn't undo all my downsizing.

I'm tempted to get rid of my leghorn pullet. I've never had one before. She is seiously the flightiest chick I've ever seen, but I know she'll settle down some once she starts laying. I should wait and see, but I keep thinking if she's gone I could fit in something calmer from chicken stock.

I'm hoping for a day of good weather soon so I can get my new roof for my run completed. I just keep telling myself "we need the rain."

Congratulations! Welcome to the adventure that is ducks ;-) I am so happy with mine it's crazy.  They are responsible for 90% of my smiles on a daily basis.  Also some source of exasperation upon occasion ;-)   I'm in Kearns.  I have (8) ducks as well as (11) chickens.  

Thanks you! I thought I was prepared for these guys, but man they are so much work. It's crazy just how fast they can destroy a clean cage :) I can't wait until our shelter is built so they can go outside during the day. Bath time makes it all worth it though. Cutest thing ever. I love watching them swim.

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