
Not sure why they are saying cockerel.  They look like pullets to me, especially the second one.   8 Weeks, little pink, not red wattles.

That's what like to hear! I am not getting rid of any yet, I'd just like to have a general guess. Depending on how many are girls I may rehome the exchequer.
Wow, looks like she is going to be one spoiled girl. So happy you got her.

Are you up watching the eclipse? It's so neat to see. It was soo bright out there an hr. ago, now it's dark, and the moon is red.
So, my tiny baby Black Japanese Bantam has fallen ill :( she was perfectly fine yesterday. droppings seem normal (the one I saw), she acts like she has no strength, and is just limp. She can't really walk... just kind of flops. I have been giving her a little bit of sugar water to give her a little bit of oomph.... and I FINALLY got her to eat something (she was rather aggressive about it) so I hope that will give her some strength back. I separated her from the rest, and put one (my calmest) chick in with her. Anything aside from taking her to the vet that I can do? I had to hold her up to the little dish. (I hope the water dish won't be a problem... I don't have a second waterer)
Try some Sav-a-chick vitamins in her water. I have had some success with those.
Can anyone go bump my gender thread for me? I took more recent pics. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/874158/help-me-sex-these-sbel#post_13268793
I'll go look, too :) Kunzler, can't hurt to try. West Valley finally relented and will let people have four hens. Iluvmysilkies, Dixie is gorgeous! Congrats!
Try some Sav-a-chick vitamins in her water. I have had some success with those.
I'll go look, too
*sigh* I don't think she's going to make it. She will not eat this morning, I don't think she's going to hold out much longer. She did a rather large poop this morning, it was green, with half of it white.... (seems rather normal...) I'm not sure what is going on...

I can't run to the store right now, because I'm a bit under the weather, and probably won't be able to until after 3. I don't think she'll make it that long.

Thank you though for your reply Red
Its finally day 18 tomorrow....LOCKDOWN.... Yippee.... But my question is, what can I put in the incubator to try and separate at least my OE's from my friends Ameraucanas, and the EE's. I really want to know who is my OEs. Any thoughts?

Silly, I wonder if you could erect walls of a sort using chicken wire or something?

Kimmy, I'm sorry, but I gotta agree with the people who say those chicks look cockerelish. At that age, usually seeing any pink means rooster. However, I have zero experience with SBELs, so my opinion probably shouldn't hold much weight.
Dang it. I posted pics of my (sexed!) leghorn and it seems everyone agrees it's a roo. I am just striking out! So does anyone have any juvenile pullets for sale? Just probably 1, I wanted to add 5 chicks this year and with 3 cockerel looking chicks I'm down to 4. I really wanted a leghorn to add some different color with heavy laying.

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