
Hello again! Still fighting the good fight with the city council but we got new chicks today. Our other 4 will be 2 years this spring. Drove up to Logan for the mixes and it was sunny with blue sky and only a bit of haze. Was disturbing coming back down the canyon and seeing the inversion at the mouth by Brigham City. Ugh.

Hoping I remembered which was the Wyandotte and which was the Sussex correctly.
Yay kunzler! :)

Oh RJ, that last picture totally made me laugh...... They are hard to stay away from, aren't they? I keep playing with them, too ;) Thank you again for bringing my babies to me.....and taking my other babies for me. They are your babies now and I am soooo excited for you! The Icelandics are truly a treasure. I'm glad to give someone else the chance to enjoy them.

By the way, Loki is the one I had to chase off of my roof at 5 AM a couple of weeks ago......while in my robe.
Yay kunzler! :)

Oh RJ, that last picture totally made me laugh...... They are hard to stay away from, aren't they? I keep playing with them, too ;) Thank you again for bringing my babies to me.....and taking my other babies for me. They are your babies now and I am soooo excited for you! The Icelandics are truly a treasure. I'm glad to give someone else the chance to enjoy them.

By the way, Loki is the one I had to chase off of my roof at 5 AM a couple of weeks ago......while in my robe.

Loki? What a perfect name, mischief maker! Haha :D

Beautiful beautiful Roo!
Just got back from ice fishing and discovered I have a defective rooster. It's midnight and that stupid bird is crowing every couple minutes. I don't think he's bothering anyone in their house this time of year, but I guess I better figure out a crow collar for him. I know my neighbors will love me if the dodo brain is crowing like that when their windows are open.

RJ, those icelandics look awesome! Congratulations on the new additions.
@RJSorensen my ten-year-old daughter loved the dashboard chicks!

One of my tasks this weekend will be to figure out our taxes and see how much money I get to put toward a coop when the ground thaws.

We are waiting to see if our chicks will ship on the tentative 3/1 date, the lavender orpingtons were the last hold out as far as layers go. If they aren't laying yet we will be waiting for a mid-April ship date. We are going out of town in April and I didn't want to have to worry about finding someone to care for chicks who may still need heat, etc.

A happy Valentines Day to all of the ladies whom reside here.

A good morning to the men.

Lol, thanks for the kind words on the Icelandics we are over the moon with them and their anticipated antics. I did enjoy the all too short period of time that I was able to 'play' with Reds chicks. I like to hear the DW's baby voice come out as she speaks to them. I don't think I'll comment on rather I have that 'voice' or not.
Spinning ~ glad your young one liked the dashboard chicks… I know that we did.

SO I suppose today is as good as any to begin my own, personal version of the Icelandic Sagas. I hope that you kind folks won't tire of it, but if you do, please accept my apology in advance.


While at IFA in Ogden, we noticed they had some of there 'store' chickens out free ranging while we were there. Seems that whenever they get or have feed spilled in the store, they let the girls out to help clean it up. We did so enjoy the beauty and splendor of their fine flock of heritage birds out for a stroll.

This little blue eyed, blond chick with an adorable 'pink' spot on her head, is the one I had thought to 'steal or borrow.' She reminds me of Gwen Stefani, the No Doubt girl. I've to make amends today for coveting my neighbors chicken… some temptation is almost more that one can endure.
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I got to meet RJ and his lovely wife today :) Thanks again for playing chicken train, RJ! I hope you two enjoy the new additions. RJ was sweet enough to transport my chickies down from Ace (hi Ace!) When I got them home, I had to send a picture to the DH. This is how the conversation went: DH: What's this? Me: Dogs. They are ferocious attack dogs to guard our house and eat burglars. DH: Ok good, so long as they aren't chicks for our house. Me: Nope, these are man eaters!
Haha. Glad you got them, red! And I'm so sorry about the whole number and address thing. I thought you had it!!! But in the end all was well. Enjoy your chicks. I am going to email Mcmurray tomorrow about our many casualties. Hoping for a refund.
A happy Valentines Day to all of the ladies whom reside here. :love A good morning to the men. :/ Lol, thanks for the kind words on the Icelandics we are over the moon with them and their anticipated antics. I did enjoy the all too short period of time that I was able to 'play' with Reds chicks. I like to hear the DW's baby voice come out as she speaks to them. I don't think I'll comment on rather I have that 'voice' or not. ;) Spinning ~ glad your young one liked the dashboard chicks… I know that we did. SO I suppose today is as good as any to begin my own, personal version of the Icelandic Sagas. I hope that you kind folks won't tire of it, but if you do, please accept my apology in advance. :/ RJ While at IFA in Ogden, we noticed they had some of there 'store' chickens out free ranging while we were there. Seems that whenever they get or have feed spilled in the store, they let the girls out to help clean it up. We did so enjoy the beauty and splendor of their fine flock of heritage birds out for a stroll. :cool: This little blue eyed, blond chick with an adorable 'pink' spot on her head, is the one I had thought to 'steal or borrow.' She reminds me of [COLOR=660099]Gwen Stefani[/COLOR], the No Doubt girl. I've to make amends today for coveting my neighbors chicken… some temptation is almost more that one can endure. :cool:
Oh RJ, you are too much. It was a pleasure having you and Mrs. here at my humble chicken residence. :) enjoy your icelandics! From the stories red tells, I look forward to some interesting posts in your future. Yes. Happy Valentine's Day to all!
Happy Valentines Day!

I got to candle my eggs from Thanksgiving Point Farm country today. It's day 14. Of the 12 eggs I bought, 2 were clear and 9 of the rest are developing. There's one I'm not sure about, it's hard to see through the shell.

I've got my fingers crossed that they'll all make it. I think buying the egg turner has made a big difference in getting them this far :)
Sid, you are so awesome to offer, but I am overrun with Marans and just keeping the pure b/b/s for now but thank you! If you come across a Blue CM roo, from good dark eggs let me know. I just got one back that is offspring from my current roo but need to find an unrelated one to put with some of my girls for breeding stock
anytime over the next year or so, if everybody here keeps an eye out

Thanks again!
Sure thing Lisa. I will keep my eyes peeled.

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