
Hey all... The Chick Cam is up on my Ustream page :) I have 5 Speckled Sussex set to hatch on 2.25, but it looks like we have an early pip! Stop by intermittently to check out the action! :)


How fun! The classroom hatch project I was doing was set to hatch tomorrow too (but all my eggs didn't even start developing for some reason). I'm going to share this with my kid's teacher if that's ok? The class might really enjoy watching it.
Hey friends, is anyone going to get chicks from IFA? I need 2 polish and 2 red turkin. pullets The catch is that I won't be home until mid April. If anyone will raise them for me I'll pay for them and their food. I'm afraid I won't be home in time to get them. I want red or white turkins as black does not do so well here in Arisona. For out newbies I live in Arizona in winter and Utah in Summer. I bring all my chickens with me to Arizona as well as my horse. They are all thriving. Its 85 degrees here today and gas is 135 per gallon
The Salt lake IFA stores will get in Turkins on the 26th of Feb and polish bantams on March 3rd. I don't really have separate space to brood them but I can get the Turkins on Friday and stick them in with my little brood and hope they are all young enough to get along, March 3rd is a bit of a stretch though, I cannot commit to being able to handle the Polish Bantams, I want to raise another batch of meaties as soon as I can get my little guys in the coop, this is kind of in the middle of that, but it is possible. If someone out there is better equipped maybe they can get them for you. I'll do my best.
So my eggs are done hatching. I started out with 12 eggs from thanksgiving point, 6 leghorn, 5 buff Orpington, and 1 mystery eggs. 2 were clear and 6 hatched, for a hatch rate of 60%, much better than my first time. I got 2 leghorns, 3 buffs, and 1 mystery bantam. Yay egg turner.


I am trying out the momma heating pad method of brooding where I'm brooding under a heating pad. I still have the chicks under a small heat lamp as well (not kosher for the method I know) but hope to turn it off soon. The chicks love being under the heat pad.
Hey all... The Chick Cam is up on my Ustream page :) I have 5 Speckled Sussex set to hatch on 2.25, but it looks like we have an early pip! Stop by intermittently to check out the action! :)

IMG THEY ARE SO CUTIE POOTITIE! I had a broken water pipe that needed attention, I came back after repairs and BOOM two chickadees! they are so sweet. I wish I could have seen them sprout. will try to watch for the next two. thanks for the link!
So my eggs are done hatching. I started out with 12 eggs from thanksgiving point, 6 leghorn, 5 buff Orpington, and 1 mystery eggs. 2 were clear and 6 hatched, for a hatch rate of 60%, much better than my first time. I got 2 leghorns, 3 buffs, and 1 mystery bantam. Yay egg turner.

I am trying out the momma heating pad method of brooding where I'm brooding under a heating pad. I still have the chicks under a small heat lamp as well (not kosher for the method I know) but hope to turn it off soon. The chicks love being under the heat pad.
Great job! such cuties!
I also incorporate the momma heating pad method but like you, I'm just a bit cautious in the beginning. I used a heating pad for my ducks before I knew this was a thing ;-) but am not willing to rely on it solely for the first week at least. My chicks love both, with a slight edge going to the light I think. I'm such an expert, they have lived a bit over 48 hours at this point LOL !
Great job! such cuties!
I also incorporate the momma heating pad method but like you, I'm just a bit cautious in the beginning. I used a heating pad for my ducks before I knew this was a thing ;-) but am not willing to rely on it solely for the first week at least. My chicks love both, with a slight edge going to the light I think. I'm such an expert, they have lived a bit over 48 hours at this point LOL !
Yeah, I think the light is a good thing for the first few days. I tried it originally without the light and lost a chick. I don't think my heating pad was set up quite right and I think the chick was sick anyway. It was from IFA and I didn't notice it had pasty butt until I got it home. Found it the next morning and thought it was dead, but was able to revive it. It later died. The other chick was fine, but now I'm more cautious.

I have since fixed the problems with my setup and the chicks seem to love their toasty warm cave.

But the light for the first few days gives an extra safety net, especially since I'm brooding in my garage, so the temperatures get down in the 40's. The chicks are so funny. They forget how to get under the heating pad and stand there and cry until another chick pokes its head out to see what the big deal is. Then they're like "oh yeah, that's where it is" and run back under. I think tomorrow I'll try leaving the light off during the day (when I can watch) and if all seems well, I'll turn it off at night too.

Funny thing about the lights, I somehow managed to loose my brooder lights. Right now I'm making do with my husband's photography light stand and a spotlight bulb. I really wish I could remember where I put the brooder lights... Hopefully I won't need it much longer, so it won't matter.

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