
There's a guy in Payson who sales chicks
NO! Don't go there. He has way too many chickens and more often than not, there are many that are ill. This is how I learned .. the hard way, not to go buy chickens from someone that will let you go walk around with the chickens. When you are buying chicks, chickens, make sure the person you are buying from will not allow you to hold the chicks..or go walk around with the chickens. You are taking a huge chance of picking up illness on your hands..shoes..clothing, and taking it home to your flock. After buying from him, like I said, I learned the hard way...about upper respiratory. It was awful to get rid of. Once your chickens have it, if they get well, they are always carriers. Think about it, he has had it in his flock for years..they are all carriers. :(
I just talked with a gal a couple of weeks ago that bought from him, chicks.. had one die pretty quick after buying them.
Oh no! I didn't know that, I've never gotten any from him, he's just on the Utah backyard chickens FB group and always gets recommended. Good to know.
Hes on a site? Interesting. No, I didn't know better about the things Imentioned in the beginning either. Hey kit, where do you live? :(
I will be in salt lake this week, headed home to green river wy either Monday or Tuesday and was wondering what the possibility of finding some chicks to bring home would be? A little over a two hour drive back home. Will already have a brooder setup for them. Expecting a baby duck to hatch sometime this week.

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