Vaccination Side Effect?

I've bought vitamin e 200 IU. Don't know what the selenium tablets are because I was able to buy just one tablet and now don't know what the label on the bottle says. I'm guessing I'll just give one vitamin e tablet (capsule with oil in) and a wee bit of a smashed selenium tablet?
I agree with @ChickNanny13 and @Joeschooks it looks like she has Wry Neck to me.
Vitamin E, B1 and Selenium is usually the course of treatment.

I would try the 1/2of your Vitamin E capsule 2X a day along with crushing up 1/4tablet of human B-Complex (no iron daily). Selenium can also be found in eggs or tuna, just small amount of Selenium is needed for the uptake of Vitamin E.

Her crop also looks full or it could be because of the tilt of the neck-is the crop emptying overnight?
Oh my, your chick is so CUTE! 2x Wyorp Rock ... Video uploaded & now thinking more Wry Neck than anything else. Keep up with the vitamins, since you caught it early, you may start seeing an improvement within a few weeks. Keep us updated please.

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