Vent: Complete and total lack of respect towards teachers on here

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I think respect is a two way street, but that is just my opinion.
So true.
Someone said that if a teacher can't stand the heat they should get out of the fire. The problem is that many are. Most truly talented teachers can get a job in their profession making a lot more than they do teaching. (I took a $5000 pay cut to leave my professional job to go teach at the college level and I still make substantially more than high school and elementary teachers!)

So you have tons of really intelligent and enthusiastic people getting burnt out by administrative hooey, unmotivated and ill-behaved students and parents with no interest in the process at all. That leaves two types of teachers- the "bad" teacher who doesn't give a rip and the "good" teacher that has so much on their plate that they are constantly teetering on the edge. The teachers that truly care are worth their weight in gold. Unfortunately many of them give up because the demands are too high and the appreciation non-existent. Why stay in a job where everyone treats you like crap and you get paid less than the same professional job? The good teachers stay because they are called to teach. They stay despite the administration, despite the rotten kids, despite the hateful parents. They stay because every now and then a child comes along who is thirsty for knowledge and that child can be taught.

As a society, we do not honor our teachers. We honor sports stars and actors. We honor people who behave badly and get 15 minutes of fame. We honor people and corporations who are tricky enough to get away with fraud. We honor politicians who speak out of both sides of their mouths. We no longer honor those people in the positions that will make us a better nation. Our country is no longer strong because we have eroded away the foundations. There are few people left that want to teach the next generation. We no longer honor learning and that may be our greatest failing.
Well said. Don't feel bad though, I don't think this forum represents a cross section of the general population.
There are a lot responsible for the current problems our education system faces. There has been a lack of respect by students, parents, and yes teachers. Until order is restored and teaching is returned to it's primary function of teaching the problem will only persist.

This reminds of my days in bare feet skipping stones over a pond. Sometimes I would hit a frog, and that frog would croak and jump.

Again respect is a two way street.
I currently go to public school, does that make my parents stupid?
You yourself sound pretty arrogant. Maybe you need knocked down a few pegs?

Reading comprehension is an AMAZING tool!!!!

i blame public schools.
I haven't read all the posts. I've only read the OP. I've added emphasis to the word "everyone" that you used just a few sentences in. I did indeed read your entire post in which you did use the phrases "so many people" & "not all on here feel this way."

I have had some great teachers, my oldest son had great teachers, however we've also had our share of twits in the public schools. Do I think ALL teachers are horrible? No. Most? No. There are a lot out there, however.

My point is not about teachers at all, though. My point is how you chose to include "everyone" in your OP in regards to the "every teacher" stereotype you are referring to. I do hope that was a slip, and if it was, I hope you'll also see that others can slip the same way.
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