Vent Gleet?? Help!

Lisa Thorne

In the Brooder
Nov 24, 2017
I have posted once but didn't get many response. My rooster 9 months has stopped crowing and has "pasty butt". His crown has lost discoloration and his bent is covered in pop. His vent is red and his stool his running and white. I treated for vent gleet but giving him an Epsom salt bath, over the counter yeast infection medicine in the vent and around, and apple cider water. He ate a bit last night. I have not seen him drink much. He did not eat the yogurt but did eat a bit of grain and tomato. Should I hand feed the water? Is this vent gleet?? Thanks pic below
It looks like vent gleet. I recently had a chicken with vent gleet and/or mareks and she had a tumor on her vent and abdomen. And unfortunately she died on the 21 but I was doing the same things you were. Keep on doing the things your doing.

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