Ventilation is the key not humidity!

So''s been over two months since the last post.

I'm wondering about any of you who tried increasing the oxygen levels in your incubators by leaving vent plugs out or increasing vent holes. Have you noticed a better hatch percentage? What's been your results? Good? Bad?

I got 0% hatch on that one. But, it was shipped eggs, every single one with badly damaged air cells. They might not have hatched no matter what I did. A bunch of the didn't even start.

I on the 3 day wait right now, with another bunch. I have 7 chicken eggs (4 shipped, 3 from my hens) due to hatch Monday. I'm keeping all air vents open, temp as close to 100F as I can keep it, humidity around 50%. I have 9 guinea eggs in there too, but they aren't due to hatch for another week. I'm crossing my fingers that none of this will bother them.
Sorry to hear about the first hatch and glad to see you got back in the saddle quick!

Is the 50% humidity your incubation or hatching humidity level...or both?

Sorry to hear about the first hatch and glad to see you got back in the saddle quick!

Is the 50% humidity your incubation or hatching humidity level...or both?


Incubation hum was between 35-45%, with no water added at all. I added a jar lid of water to raise it to 50% for the hatch. I'll add a sponge to the lid, to prevent drowning or tipping over the water.

On those shipped eggs, I started with 15, 8 were infertile, and 3 died early, there were blood rings. So 4 left, that look good. The next 24-48 hours, I'll let you know what I end up with!

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