Venting about being made to move out of my house -- UPDATE! GOOD NEWS!

If you can stay until it sells, you may have years to prepare to move.
For my foothill community, go to Fresno's Craiglist and in the search engine in the housing type in "squaw" (as in Squaw Valley), that is how we found where we currently live. Or you can also enter 'foothills' in the search engine and it will give you more houses, than just my hilly area. There is a local 'news' paper, full of classifieds but the rentals have been slim lately. The local boards may have some posted too.
But we are 3 hours south of you. If you are interested, send me a message, and I'll keep an eye out. From October till early May it is gorgeous here, but the summer heat is a scorcher!
We aren't going to try to buy it because we don't want to live here forever, had planned to be here only one more year at most. We're not overly fond of the gunfire every weekend or the tweakers that stole our car stereo or having to constantly chase the hookers and their customers (the stroll is 3 blocks up) off the front porch of the big empty house next door. Lately, it has not been as bad, and I'm grateful for that, but in the greater picture of things, even if we were in a position to buy (which we are not), this sure ain't the house we'd purchase. I don't really see it as long as I stay in my back yard and work my garden and tend to my animals and do my job.

We want to be in the country eventually but are not in a position to move yet. We both started new jobs within the last 6 months & we are struggling somewhat financially. Staying afloat, but it's a challenge as it is for many folks right now.

We are just taking the situation one day at a time and praying about it and turning it over to God. He's got a really good knack at handling what's too big for me.
Oh man, I am so bummed to hear about your situation! We are in the SAME boat! I think our LL has given us a few extra months or weeks from his original May 1st deadline, but I'm not positive. Such a HARD, hard place to be.

We are in Auburn, so not far from you! Definately look at the Sacramento CL ads and on the righthand side of the CL homepage for Sacramento, click on "GoldCountry", there are ALOT of very pet friendly properties at very decent prices and they get good internet too! You may have to go out a bit, like Grass Valley, Pen Valley, Lake Of the Pines, or even a bit further, but its not too too horrible, maybe a 45 min drive to the nearest super walmart, but many of those towns have great shopping and sevices, and Auburn isnt too far away and we have a few major stores and feed stores and several grocery stores.

I really hope you find something that will suit you all. I am still trying to adjust to the idea of not having my chickens when we move
I dont think I will find anything with 4+ bedrooms, 2+ baths, 2400+ sq feet that will allow all our animals (dogs, cats, rabbits, horses,and chickens) and fit our family needs and budget. We are just not ready or able to buy yet and we HAVE to stay in or very near Auburn. I think we are going to have to say goodbye to most of the extra critters, and board the horses. Of course we are keeping the dogs and outside cats, but I think thats about it for us.

I think you may have a very good shot at finding a place out in the areas I suggested, many people will work with you $ wise, and you may be able to get in in time to still plant a new garden AND keep your flock. Those places are decently rural and there are alot of folks with far more animals than just chickens. I really, really, hope you can find the right place to meet all your needs and wants.
I don't know how far from Sacto you are willing or able to move - but try some of the Central Valley towns or Oakland, where chickens are apparently very welcome and there are actually some understanding landlords.

You have my sympathy; we bought our house back in 1998 when our former landlord put where we lived on the market and we decided not to buy it because the entire back yard had been paved in concrete. Ever tried to find a house to buy in thirty days?
In this economy and with the conditions of the area you describe, unless they are short selling it or reducing the price drastically, you shouldn't have much to worry about.
Hopefully it will be a while till they actually sell. I know I would shy away from home listings that had tenants,because it seemed like a hassle(and mean) to buy the house and kick the people out.

To bad you can't do a rent to own with the LL. I hope something better comes your way.

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