Venting about being made to move out of my house -- UPDATE! GOOD NEWS!

Update... It's looking like this has turned out to be a very good thing to happen in our lives. After talking to a bunch of different landlords, perusing craigslist for hours and hours and hours, and finally posting an ad of our own under "housing wanted" saying basically, "This is who we are, this is what we want, this is what we can afford to pay, we're quiet folks, we have animals, blah blah, call us if you got something. Thank you."

This morning, I get this call from this incredible woman with a rental & she wants to discuss it with me. She began describing what it is she has available and what she is looking for in a tenant. She was the sweetest lady, and we ended up spending about 45 minutes on the phone. We have spoken again since then, and it is looking like this is our place.

Check it out, you guys... we have been smiled upon. Our prayers, all the energy people from here and all over have sent us and given to us... we found a place (or rather, it found US) on a 7-acre alpaca ranch where we can garden, have our flock, our animals, our privacy, keep my same job, work off part of the rent, learn the alpaca business, and live in the Sierra Foothills wine country in El Dorado County. Oh, did I mention it's $100/month less than we're paying here? AND includes utilities???

We're going up to meet the landlady Thursday and do all the official business and take the official tour, though her powerpoint presentation was quite thorough. She sent me links to their farm's website, her blog, really opened up and gave us an opportunity to get to know her and what kind of place we're looking at.

We would be candidates for straight jackets if we passed this up. So we're not gonna.
That's great! Win-win for everybody!
Awesome!!! Sometimes the hard stuff is HARD but the rewards are amazing. One door closes and another opens, and it's time for a new chapter in your lives. Congrats!
Oh, she told me tonight there's a queen size bed and a big flat screen TV that she and her husband really don't want to drag down the stairs & would be happy to leave them in the unit if we so desired. DUH. Oh no, we'd rather have our piece-of-crap, 12-year-old 27-inch Magnavox glass-tube TV that that weighs a ton and will probably go out in the next year anyway... no, we don't want your big flatscreen TV in our house.... LOL.

We REALLY, I mean REALLY scored.

There is still one holdup and that is to see if my job's software will work with their satellite internet. I am told it will not work, but the new landlady said she also works from home and requires high-speed internet and that it works spendidly for her & she's never had a connectivity issue. She's going to let me bring up my work computer when we go up there on Thursday and plug it into her internet and test-run a couple of reports on it to see if it works, and if it does, THE PLACE IS OURS!!!

I'm not gonna sleep a wink tonight.

Edited to add a picture.

This is the entry way to the unit we'll be renting. It has a huge balcony. The unit itself is only 600 sq. feet, but the micro-house we live in now is less than 700 so it's not like it's a huge drop in space.


Whadda y'all think?
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