Venting about being made to move out of my house -- UPDATE! GOOD NEWS!

Hey neighbor! Love the pics of your new home, it looks like things are working out in your favor. Hope the move goes well tomorrow... maybe by the time you read this you'll be up here and unpacking. I'll PM you with my phone #. You'll be all of about 10 minutes from us
We're about to power down the computers and put 'em on the U-Haul. I'll be absent from here at least until tomorrow night. Gonna be big on getting the chickens in temporary coops so they'll be safe. They won't have runs for a couple of days & they're gonna be unhappy, but they'll be safe.

I will be so glad when we're done here. I am SO exhausted, it's not even funny.
HHandbasket and Farmer Lew made the major move to their new place today (chickens and all). I harassed them every now and then with text messages, and I know they are totally pooped and trying to settle in.

But I did receive this lovely photo from them of the snow on their deck:

What a daunting task, moving uphill! We are staying put for a LONG time. Only been here 1 day and can't see myself ever moving back down to the valley!

Farmer Lew has been busy this morning erecting new fences and safety zones for the flock and will be releasing the girls into their new yard in a few minutes. We kept them cooped up overnight, beings that as we arrived here yesterday, the snow began to fall & we got about 4 inches overnight. It's starting to melt & poor Farmer Lew has been working out there in freezing snow to make the area safe for the animals.

I was surprised, 3 of them laid eggs this morning. They tolerated the move well & did okay overnight in the snow.

What an amazingly beautiful place to live! I'll be posting more pics later. This morning, not only was the balcony/patio covered in snow, but everything within eyeshot! It's melting off now, and we can see grass. I know those of you who live in cold climates don't find it a big deal, but I'm a California girl from the central valley (can you say "hot"??), and DH is from Louisiana so this is all new to us. But it's a great adventure & I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Can you say "happy"? Sure, I knew ya could!
Big congratulations to you! I just love how this all worked out. I'm from not too far away and the foothill areas are just wonderful! I feel lucky to have grown up in this area.

Enjoy the views and beauty and peace of your new home! I am so glad you're out of the ghetto now. Let me know if you ever want to come visit my flock!

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