
I'm in Middlebury, but it's my first winter with chickens too. From all that I hear, they will be fine, I'm just going to get a heatlamp for the water (so it doesn't freeze)
Anyone from the Montpelier, Barre area? I have a mixed batch of 5. Just looking for some tips on what the chickens idea of warm enough will be for the winter (their first).
I'm in Middlebury, but it's my first winter with chickens too. From all that I hear, they will be fine, I'm just going to get a heatlamp for the water (so it doesn't freeze)

I am in Bristol so just a skip and jump away from you. If it gets really cold at my house I will close the coop up (the little coop door and the big human door) but leave the vents on the top open so that the moisture can get out. I also run a light during the really cold parts of the winter that is over the water but it does still kind of heat the entire coop just by being on. The chickens don't really go out once there is a lot of snow on the ground so as long as there is plenty of room in the coop so they don't bug one another it's fine. Good luck :)
Anyone interested in a 5 month old Golden Sebright Rooster? He's hit his teenage years, and he doesn't bother me at all, but he's started going after my toddler, which is not okay... I'd hate to put him down, but he can't stay here.
Heated or no? I don't have electricity in my coop right now - how do you all get through the winter?
Heated or no? I don't have electricity in my coop right now - how do you all get through the winter?
no need to heat but you will have to provide thawed water. A heated waterer base works great but needs electricity. I guess you could bring them fresh hot water 3x a day, though that seems like a lot of work. Can you run an extentioncord out to the coop?
That's exactly what I was thinking of doing... here's to hoping we have another mild winter! (like last year)
no need to heat but you will have to provide thawed water. A heated waterer base works great but needs electricity. I guess you could bring them fresh hot water 3x a day, though that seems like a lot of work. Can you run an extentioncord out to the coop?
Thanks all! I've also added 3 more ladies to the group (total of 8 now), so hopefully that will help warm things up :)
Anyone else in Vermont have lazy chickens who lay no eggs?

Seems like they have been molting forever! Though, some of my pullets are finally looking ready so keep your toes crossed.

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