

Thanks for bumping this up. I had been searching for anything Vermont and couldn't find anything.

There is a Chicken Swap here in Springfield SUNDAY May 17th at Wellwood Orchards.

There is also a vermontbirdfanciersclub yahoo group that you should all sign up for so you will get the latest local VERMONT chick news.
Members have lots of chicks hatching of all kinds of breeds.

I'm still looking for Brabanters.

Welcome Vermonters~!
Hi Fellow Vermonters,

Found BYC not too long ago ... what a great resource!

Our family is expanding by 20 at the end of the month. 10 Australorps and 10 Easter Eggers. We're first timers, but looking forward to the challenge. Mostly for the eggs, but the kids are going to have fun, too.

Just saw in someone's signature ... something to the effect of "chickens are like potato chips ... can't have just one."

Well our little ones haven't arrived yet and already looking for a few more ... would like a few silver laced wyandottes. So, if anyone knows of any we'd appreciate hearing from you.


Oh, almost forgot ... just west of Rutland ... in West Haven.
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Welcome Scott~!!

Most of the local grain stores wil be ordering and selling chicks.

Make a few calls in your area ( Agway etc ) and see what breeds they are ordering.

SLW's are a popular breed and my local grain store is taking orders for them in Chester, if you cant find any on your side of the state.
Most have a pullet price and a straight run price.

or you can go to a local Chicken swap to purchase your next birds..

Might be one in Rutland VT. Stay Tuned.
Another Orange County here....I just bought 9 pullets from BYCs BikerBabeRules who lives about 20 minutes from me (also in VT) don't see her posted here.
Anyhow....HI to fellow Green Mountainers. Spring!
I rarely read this section of BYC.

I have tried to sign up several times on the VT Bird fanciers list and never hear anything back. I find craigslist is the best way to connect with other chicken people - I've seen swaps posted there, too.

Hey CowChick, There is a woman in ?Marshfield, maybe? who regularly sells chicks on CL. I think she is a hatchaholic from what I can gather. Last year she had some brabanters. No idea if she will repeat, if she kept any, or really what the scoop is.
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