
I'm going to do my best for her. It's going to be tough, and I hope she makes it, but if not, I'll know she had a chance and good life, even if brief.

Yes, I'm going to take her to Essex Veterinary. Drs. Elizabeth and Francois know their fowl, especially complicated cases.

Following! Best of luck with little MilesFB! I had to bring my Rouen duck in to see Dr. Elizabeth at Essex VH last fall and was very impressed by her knowledge and compassion. Crossing my fingers for your little one :fl
These two...:love:love:love
Good morning - just in case you are looking for a Rooster, I saw this post in our Front Porch Forum. I did contact the owner to ask if it was ok to post here, she welcomed it.
Free Rooster.JPG
Email Rachel if you are interested.
I able to get Hawke in to see Dr. Elizabeth at Essex Veterinary, and the news isn't good.

Hawke as a serious of congenital issues with the most concerning being her heart, which is why she has the fluid build up in her left leg, ankle and toes.

She has absorption issues so no matter how much she eats, and she does eat well, she's not getting the nutritional value. Pair that with her worsening beak and her kinked neck, which prevents tube feeding, she an underfed mess.

And there maybe a neurological component based on her behavior, but that would be the least of her concerns.

So we decided on hospice care and pain management. Hawke may not have much time, but she's going to have a good time. I even let her drive home. (She escaped her box and sat my shoulder the entire drive home.)

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