
Does anyone know where I might be able to find ducklings at a reasonable price? I'm looking for a Rouen and a Pekin. Most of the local stores are done with birds as far as I know. I've ordered from Ideal before, but they have a $30 minimum and I already have 10 birds, so I'm not looking to add more than 2.
Does anyone know where I might be able to find ducklings at a reasonable price? I'm looking for a Rouen and a Pekin. Most of the local stores are done with birds as far as I know. I've ordered from Ideal before, but they have a $30 minimum and I already have 10 birds, so I'm not looking to add more than 2.
I was just looking on Craigslist and found Sugar Feather Farms in Central Vermont - I am not familiar with this location or ducks but I see they are a start up that might be a good resource?
@trumpeting_angel : Things with the vet were as expected - nothing to be done for his beak. Though, the vet thinks his beak was broken, and not a genetic defect, which means she may have been able to reset it. (Not that I have thousands of dollars for x-rays, surgery and numerous follow-up visits.) He's eating and drinking well on his own and putting on a little bit of weight. He's still skinny, but he's not starving. His life may be cut short, but he's having a blast so that makes me happy. Who knows... Maybe he'll continue to surprise me. Chickens are tough little things.

How are you and your feathered friends? Did you find your coop? I think you were looking for one.
Every coop suggesting I made was nixed by DH. Because, of course, he has no time to build a coop but nothing else is acceptable. So he is building a coop! I love it.

Our permanent coop will be attached to a garage, which will be moved up here next summer (it’s across the street and has no power now. He needs it for his construction business, with power.). The temporary one will be on the edge of the deck, 6’ x 3’, with a 6’ x 9’ run, mostly roofed.

I brought home 4 week-old darlings after warning him I would be doing it. Despite his protests, he is in love. He especially loves the little Black Australorp, whom he calls “White Butt.” (Not for long! She is getting darker.)

I also have a Gold Laced Wyandotte, and two Buff Orpingtons, Big Bird and Little Bird. I think Big Bird is a week older.

Love these chickies! It’s fun to see how fast they foul the water dish, despite continuing increases in elevation! And the Great Berry Chase, which leaves us holding our sides for all the laughing.
@trumpeting_angel - Awe! So glad to hear you were able to get your girls. They are so precious and awkward at that age. Would love to see some pics when you can.

Chicken TV is my favorite channel. You're going to have a blast. Have they sorted out how to dust bathe and determined where their favorite spot is? Mine would pile into the spot and climb over each other, if necessary.

BBQs will never be more entertaining than when you have chickens!
They dust bathe whenever (and wherever) I add a pile of shavings, and watching it is hysterical. I have one (Australorp) who really goes to town, lying on her side and kicking shavings all over everyone. The BOs love to nestle down and go to sleep in their dust baths.

I thought they were cold Monday night, so I put the heating pad in (just on top of shavings) for them to lie on, if they wished. No way. But they have, of course, pooped on it. Ahh, poop.

They are so funny in adolescence! Big Bird has very little down left, but since the beginning she looked like a little mistake, with feathers here and down there. Always looked like she just fell out of bed after a hard night of partying! Now the others are losing their down, except around their necks. Little fur collars.

I see I need new pictures! These are from 2-3 weeks ago. It’s hard because they want to fly out of the brooder. I need to throw a tarp over the bed in that room so they can have more fun.
@trumpeting_angel - Thank you for sharing! They are the epitome of cuteness. I remember when my were little they'd dust in the food they scratched out of their dishes.

I raised mine in the bathroom so I could have access to water. When they outgrew the pen, I gave them free run of the bathroom. Sick of cleaning up poop 90 times a day, I put down a roll of plastic. They appreciated having more room to move around, even if it meant walking around on the crinkly plastic that kind of scared them.

I'm trying my hardest to hold off on getting more until next Spring, but I may not be able to with photos and stories like yours. A weasel decimated my hen flock - killed six out of the seven - a few weeks ago, leaving me with only my rooster flock and Hawke.
Oh, I’m so sorry. Weasels can weasel in through the smallest spaces, they say! How sad for you. Are you sure you need to wait?

I wanted to put tarps down in the bedroom where I have the brooder, but DH is against it. I can’t completely disagree , it’s not a bathroom. But I know they want to fly. Only 4 in a 3’ x 7’ brooder, about 2.5 feet high. They look out with longing.
It was a hard winter on wildlife so I understand and I do my best to co-exist. I knew he and other predators are around, and that it was only a matter of time before I slipped up. In this case, I didn't secure the door properly and he got in through the tiniest of spaces. Lesson learned.

It is best I wait because I'm in between jobs at the moment, and I may end up having to take an out-of-county job which means a long commute, especially in the winter, or a move. Hard to do with a dog, let alone chickens.

Truthfully, I'd like to move out-of-state and the only thing that really held be back were my chickens. Well, them and not having a job out there.

So we'll see what happens. Everything will work out.

Have you considered bringing your little ones outside on the nice, warm days? They can help you with chores. I used to put straw in a kiddie pool and let them play in that. Eventually, they'd fly or jump out to play in the grass and dirt. They never strayed too far so I didn't have to chase them too much.

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