
I took them out a few days ago in a poultry net feeble enclosure. I didn’t want them to fly so I covered it with a sheet. Then wind! Armageddon! One slipped out. I captured the others, who were all trying to get out, then went to find her. She was trying to get back in.

I’m anxious about them wandering. They come when I put down treats, but still run when I try to pick one up. I will have to get a scratch can to shake!
Think about how you're approaching them...

Are you moving slow and approaching them at their level? So they can see you and anticipate what's going to happen. Or are you moving fast and approaching from above? Like an aerial predator swooping down.

Try hand feeding them so they'll get comfortable around hands. You can use their regular feed or for an extra boost, try live meal worms. Chickens go crazy for those creepy crawlies. They're inexpensive and available at any pet store.
Thanks, @MilesFluffybutt !

The only way to approach them in our brooder is from above. :(

I speak softly, move slowly, and they always come toward me when I come near the brooder. It’s the next step that’s still hard for them. Sometimes they take food from my hand, sometimes not.

Meal worms are a great idea! That will win them over.
When you "free range" in rural Vermont areas you will lose a lot of chickens to predators. Raccoons alone will take birds nightly that are not in a locked coop at night. Weasel can get into any coop that has a one inch opening.

For the most part we lose one a year to racoon, a bird that thinks it wants to roost outside and I don't notice it's not in coop when closing up. And one bird each year to hawk. Northern Harrier may only be medium size hawk but dang they love chicken!
Hey fellow Green Mountaineers,

Thought I'd put a heads up here that I've a new to me breed of chicken this year. If any of you are in Northern Vermont and interested in Blue Laced Red Wyandotte let me know. In the next few months I'll be culling them down to a breeder quad and selling off the rest. I use Craigslist to get rid of birds but thought with these I'd post here first as good quality of this variety are scarce and should go to more dedicated chicken wranglers.
Gearing up to cull down flock size. Took a few photos of birds. Weighed and took notes on each this morning. If anyone is interested in a pair, cockerel and pullet, PM me. Able to match up Dark Blue K with light blue pullet, Black K with splash pullet and Blue K to blue pullet.

View attachment 1834436Above is Splash pullet. All looks good with her but she is low end of weight. 2lbs- 3 oz @ 10 weeks.

View attachment 1834437Splash K. lowest weight @ 3lbs even.
View attachment 1834438
Light blue pullet- would be paired with dark blue K. Bit light weight 2lbs-2oz, he is 3lbs-3oz.View attachment 1834440
Black K is the largest. He has always been strides ahead but others are starting to catch up. 3lbs-5oz. His fault is a few feather tips on one shank. K to right is he Dark blue, he has a few feather tips between webbing on feet.

Trying to clear up my notes here:

Black K with Splash P (3lbs-5, 2lbs-3oz)
Blue K with blue P (3lbs-3, 2lbs-2oz)
Splash K with darkest blue P (3lbs, 2lbs-7oz)

PM if you're interested.

Curious as to what was used to create this line. The throwback expression feathered feet is throwing me.
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Summer came in like a lion, huh? Man, I love the heat, but the humidity can eat my shorts.

I've had three bears run through my property in the last two weeks. Two on the same day within two hours of each other - in the middle of day when everyone (myself, dog, chickens, cat) were outside.

One just this evening, about an hour ago. I intercepted this one as I was putting the chickens to bed. Unlike the other two, this one was heading to the coop. I screamed, hollered and stomped around like my ass was on fire and it took off, but I don't think I'll be so lucky next time.

I didn't see it until I was right on the darn thing. I am installing a motion-activated flood light so I don't stumble blindly into a situation again.

So, I'm wondering what you all use for bear deterrents. Electric fencing? Lighting? Shotguns? Pitchforks and torches?
I haven’t worked out bear protection yet. We have some motion detector alarms that we got last year, before chickens, when a bear tore into our 3-season porch and dragged a garbage can out through the window. Truly, asleep upstairs, the noise was so loud I thought someone was knocking down huge trees. We had some heavy, loud dog fencing sections stacked against the window that the bear exited through, with huge garbage can, knocking over the fence sections. Sounded like Armageddon!

Hmm. Maybe I should install the #%*€£! alarms already!

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