There are 2 types of people, Vermonters and people who want to be a Vermonter. I am in Morrisville, just outside of Stowe. I am a novice chickener and recently bought a house with a coop. My peeps arrived Thursday, I will eventualy have to clean the poop from the coop for the peeps. It has been vacant all winter. What do I need to do, the coop is about 6' by 6' with a shed roof.
Do I have to just sweep out last years shavings or do I need to disinfect with bleach or sometihng. I am trying to keep my birds as organic and natural as possible. I have 6 this year, may go to 9 if I can find 3 Rhode Island Reds but I am thinking of about 20 girls next year, do you think that's too many for that size coop. Appreciate any advice.