
Hello Northfield and Brookfield from Morrisville VT.
Here's an update on what's going on at Russo's Roost. Tinkerbelle the wonderchick, now 19, almost 20 weeks old (same with all my chicks and roo) has been laying an egg a day since 16 weeks 2 days, all on the smaller side, about 2 oz. Cybil is starting to be consistent with one a day for the last week or so, 2 were double yokes. Haley is starting to look and sound like she is ready to start laying, they are all my Golden Comets. BB is a rooster, I visited Tunbridge on Saturday and went through the poultry barn, not bragging (yes I am) he is a very handsome rooster, stands tall, has nice shoulders and a great tail. Brigitte and Blondie aren't showing signs yet of being ready to start laying, that breed starts late though and ends much later so I am not concerned. I am however concerned with the cold weather,I hope that doesn't slow down their production. Haley has been an instigator in escaping form the pen by flying up over the top of the 5' high gate, she has played her Houdini act twice in the last 2 days. We can't go out and leave them in the pen any longer, there are too many predators in the area. I may have to clip her wings if the netting I put up today doesn't curtail their escaping. That's all for now.
Hi PigCoon, how did you make out, Hen or Rooster? All my goldens are hen's and 2 of the 3 Plymouth Rock Barred are also,I have one Rooster, BB, and he is a good looking rooster. Luckily local laws don't prohibit me from having one as they are all pets now withthe side benefit of laying eggs.

Russo's Roost :

Yes, 3 weeks old for all 6 of my girls. The Plymouth Rock Barred chicks are all about the same size and kind of laid back, the 3 golden comets are all different and more hyper. We have one that had pasty butt and was smaller then the rest when we got her, it took a good 10 days for her to get over that so she is off to a slow start and is smaller then the rest, I would say by about half the size of the largest bird, the next one up is about the size of my plymouth rock barred chicks and I have one that is a giant compared to all the others, other then size they are all the same in appearance except the middle one has more white feathers on the wings. I am not an expert at all but I think it is still too soon to tell the sex. (here's a pun for you) "I could be all wet about that though" HA HA HA...

Well thanks for asking!

They are 20 weeks old and they do all seem to be hens. No one is crowing, or looking like a rooster and we're getting at least 3 eggs a day from our 5. Looks like we got what we wanted.

They're a lot of fun! Just made egg salad tonight.
Hi Pampered Chicken! My grandparents lived in East Randolph for 40+ years!


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